Bio: I Manifested My Maserati in exactly 30 days by using the Law of Attraction. (With no money and owning money to creditors). If I could do it so can You
Bio: I’m a professional counselor 23 yrs approach is psycho-spiritual. Am looking to improve & share my skills & interests where living feels expansive.🦋
Bio: A shamanic practitioner, hypnotherapist & Reiki Master. Frontman for the band Rusty Mojo. Enjoy public speaking & helping people reclaim their power.
Bio: Bearer of the O3 Development Framework restores individuals, society and humanity back to its fundamentals, true nature. Evolving human consciousness.
Bio: Building online commuity. Professional gardener, energy worker, photographer, artist - teacher, specialising in support to practitioner communities.
Bio: Been subbing at high school for too long - feel I'm not living up to my full potential. Would love to put my language skills to work (I speak five!)