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Real Security Heretics

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4 contributions to Real Security Heretics
Career dissatisfaction
Many of you (those that bothered to answer the membership questions) admitted to being unsatisfied with the current state or direction of your careers. Been there, done that. But what are you willing to do about it? I'm going to recommend that you talk to me. Book a 30-minute career diagnostic and have (quite possibly) the first genuine conversation about your career that you've ever had. There is no obligation, no hard sell and no bait and switch. The only focus is your best interests and discovering how to make things better for yourself. People have saved time, money and hassle by not pursuing things that everyone else told them that they needed, but that didn't interest them. Book your session here. It's £50 and if I cannot help you get clarity on what you want to get a refund.
New comment Jul '23
2 likes • Jul '23
I booked a career diagnostic session early on when I was transitioning into the industry and it 1. helped me see how little I knew (painful but much needed and appreciated) and 2. helped guide me towards what I should be learning so I wouldn't waste time trying to learn anything and everything. Fear not. Dr. Diston is not as "mean" as he comes off on LinkedIn.
Have you ever had this?
Ever attended a security course and sat there thinking to yourself...'I've heard all this before.' Ever walked out of an exam with the feeling that 'none of that really makes any difference?' Ever got your cert renewal and debated just shitcanning it? Ever blagged your CPEs just to get over the line but never really learned anything new? Ever felt frustrated that the things you feel you need in your job aren't being taught? Ever had an instructor who couldn't answer questions and just pointed to the slides or book and said 'if it's not in there, don't worry about it?' Yeah, I reckon. Ever considered taking a different approach to this security lark? Or is this just 'the way it is' ?
New comment Jul '23
2 likes • Jun '23
I was sent to a bootcamp by my employer to obtain an industry certification they felt I needed. I also felt I needed to get ahead in my career plus I was fairly new at the job and felt I needed to appease my employer. I was horrified by the entire experience. The instructor had us memorizing the content rather than helping us actually learn it. He raced through the entire manual and would not answer any questions because he was on a timeline and needed to make sure he got though everything before we took the exam at the end of the week. I suppose you can't expect to learn much when you are being hosed with what seemed like a month's worth of information in one week. Each one of us in that bootcamp passed the exam but I certainly did not feel like I left that room any more knowledgeable than when I arrived. Moral of the story - Don't take bootcamps.
Morning,fellow heretics!
These Friday things sure do roll around fast. Thank God for that. So...tell me something about security that you learned this week. It can be something about a theory, a specific area of practice or the industry. OR Tell me about some progress that you made towards a career goal. Let's go.
New comment Jul '23
1 like • Jun '23
I'm in the process of taking the UCISM+ course and have my exam scheduled for next month. It's a hard pill to swallow learning some things the ISACA way but @Rich Diston, you do a great job at adding your own nuggets of information into the training which are extremely helpful and useful.
Let's try a poll
Which of the following choices best reflect your feelings about The Problem of Security? No snark on this's not The Bitter Pill, after all. 🤣
19 members have voted
New comment Jun '23
4 likes • Jun '23
It gave me confidence my concerns were valid but it also depressed me in the sense that I felt my concerns could not be voiced. Especially because I work at a company that supports some of the ideology that the book goes against.
1-4 of 4
Lupe Peterman
11points to level up
I am a fairly newcomer into the industry. I'm happy to be a part of this community and looking forward to engaging with other like-minded folk.

Active 128d ago
Joined Jun 16, 2023
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