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The Unexpected Shape Café

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15 contributions to The Unexpected Shape Café
Midwinter and New Year's reflections
I wanted to share my recent post with you all and also take the opportunity to thank you all for being here and to thank Esmé for making this space available to us. In the post I share some of my reflections over the transition into a new year. I would be so happy if any of you felt like sharing your thoughts or approaches!
New comment Jan 12
The daily pet thread
I thought it might be nice to have a daily pet thread. Here's Daphne, whom some of you might already know about. She's about 11 years old and an incredible sweetie (unless you're another dog or the USPS).
New comment 26d ago
The daily pet thread
1 like • Dec '23
@Barb Natividad as they do look similar to my boy. Love to see it. They are so cute. 😍
0 likes • Dec '23
@Esme Wang 💜
Daily writing check-in
Are you trying to write every day? (If you're stuck, I recommend the One-Day Writing Kickstart (; if you're feeling stressed about building a writing habit, I recommend this class: I'm running late on a book I have on deadline, so I thought I'd start this thread to check in with you all about how it's going, and please join in if you think it would be helpful to you as well. I'll try to check in even when I get no writing done. Here we go!
New comment Dec '23
Daily writing check-in
2 likes • Oct '23
Since having a bad run in with COVID (my first infection, and it took me OUT), I have been struggling for the past week and a half to get back into my writing routine. I am just so fatigued and still dealing with a lot of dizziness/brain fog/tinnitus. Does anyone have any suggestions for things that helped them return to daily writing after a brush against something derailing?
0 likes • Dec '23
@Neva Talladen Thank you, Neva. I have been resting more and just listening to when my boday demands that I set down whatever I am carrying for the day. It has been challenging because I tend to hold myself to very high expectations and then respond with a lot of judgement toward myself when I fail to meet them. It is a good reminder that it is not a moral failing to rest. <3
Catalogue of Beauty
Beauty and whimsy. Nature, animals, flowers, sunrises, sunsets, art… Please add more posts.
New comment Jun 10
Catalogue of Beauty
1 like • Oct '23
@Yarrow Rubin These look so cool!
1 like • Dec '23
Yesterday, I spent most of the day walking along the riverbed where the water has receeded with my sister, niece, and friend. We were looking for pretty rocks (and I was on my neverending quest to find hag stones). This great blue heron flew right over my head before settling at the river's edge ahead, and I felt so lucky to live in such a beautiful place.
What are you reading?
Right now, I’m reading and rereading Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail, which is a comfort read for me—a sapphic romance novel. It’s interesting to go outside of my usual genres; I never read romance novels until very recently. At the same time, I’m reading a forthcoming memoir by Morgan Parker. What are you reading, and how are you feeling/thinking about it?
New comment Jun 3
3 likes • Oct '23
@Line Bech It is super fun! It was something that Neil Gaiman mentioned wishing would happen on his blog way back in the day, so he and all of us following along just decided to make it so!
3 likes • Dec '23
I just finished reading Orwell's Roses by Rebecca Solnit and Three Bags Full: A Sheep Detective Story by Leonie Swann. I enjoyed them both thoroughly, and they were very different reads! I am now looking for a very specific vibe, and I am hoping I can use tis space to request recommendations as well: I would like a Holiday centered ghost story that isn't one of the classics (A Christmas Carol, Turn of the Screw, etc.) and I would prefer that the story have more of a Shirley Jackson sort of vibe rather than a Dickensian one. I know this is extremely specific! Any help is appreciated.
1-10 of 15
✨ Publisher: Parliament House Press Editor, writer, chaotic energy, poltergeist in a human disguise. she/they (sí/siad) ✨

Active 23d ago
Joined Sep 16, 2023
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