Following 9
Bayan Ba
Jordan πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄
β€’ Active 154d ago
Bio: Interested in exercise and healthy nutrition, especially the keto and low-carb diet
Neil Northcutt
β€’ Active 228d ago
Bio: I am 38. I am a family man with a wife and four children. I want to gain some muscle as I am getting a bit out of shape.
Roman Litvinov
Moscow, Russia β€’ ENFP
β€’ Active 9d ago
Bio: I'm a freelance developer and ususally spend a lot of time sitting at my PC. So it would be nice to do exercices on a regular basis:)
AntΓ³nio Capote
β€’ Active 132d ago
Bio: Sempre fui uma pessoa de Focu, positivo, com objectivos em mente. Gosto de me sentir bem. Novas etapas, grandes conquistas, resultado atingido.
Rob Hayes
β€’ Active 98d ago
Bio: 55yrs young. I enjoy reading, learning, growing, changing, socializing, exercising to keep my body strong and healthy. Glad to meet you.
Sophie Brown
β€’ Active 130d ago
Bio: Here for the workouts πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ
Daulat Nerpagar
β€’ Active 210d ago
Arne Dierickx
β€’ Active 187d ago
Bio: Belgium
Oliver Sjostrom
β€’ Active 4d ago
Bio: Helping people get in great shape, sharing useful knowledge, and building lasting healthy habits.
1-9 of 9
Mariya Krachunova
Maria, 37 years old. Mother of 4 children. I want to lose weight before my son's prom

Active 3h ago
Joined Mar 28, 2024
Bulgaria πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬
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