Bio: S Jobs once said,most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.I dont want to be the most powerful person,but I want to build powerful stories.
Bio: A life science leader working for a US biotech company. My mission is to extend the lives of patients with cancer by developing new immunotherapies.
Bio: Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma Demir Fatma
Bio: ChemE Ph.D. by Porto University. Worked 10 years in Germany for BASF. 1.5 years as Cargill's EMEA SM Leader. Presidente of ASPPA e.V. (non-profit).