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Indie Makers

Public • 145 • Free

6 contributions to Indie Makers
What's next for this community?
Hey everyone, I started this community as an alternative to IH, which had become cluttered and lost its sense of camaraderie over time. Since then, we've kept things pretty open, allowing for a range of topics and self-promotion. I recently read an insightful post by @Richard Patey, suggesting that communities united by topics are often weaker than those united by a single goal. This idea really resonated with me. So, I’m curious: if we were to unite around a single goal, what do you think it should be? Looking forward to your thoughts!
New comment Aug 9
2 likes • Jul 30
@Xavier Coiffard I'm all in for accountability on the process, but not so much on the outcome. Wasn't a fan of "Stripe verified revenue" on IH - bragging rights, peer pressure, etc. Getting there is the (first) important part. Another group I'm in has a weekly "goals for week X" post where people reply and comment other people's plans, maybe that's one simple option.
2 likes • Jul 30
@Yasha Pitronot That's a very valid point and important for @Xavier Coiffard to consider.
HN Front Page
Launched the new with a cloud hosting option and made it to the front of HN. It feels pretty sweet but I know there is so much more work ahead of me.
New comment Aug 9
1 like • Jul 23
Funny sidenote: saw this last night on HN and clicked on it from my mobile, surprised to get a fully localized page in my native language, German. Found a little glitch: "Roadmap" was translated as "Straßenkarte", which is a literal road/street/traffic map, not a project roadmap, and wanted to comment on this after waking up today. Came back today to check and saw it's already fixed. Indie hacker spirit at its best!
Who here build Robotics projects?
I am curious if you are working on robotics projects because I do. So just let me know what you are working on.
New comment Jul 14
2 likes • Jul 14
I don't, but a friend of mine does and I'd love him to get some news followers on his channel:
[ClassRoom] Best tools for Indie Hackers
🚀 Exciting News! I've just released the first course in our community: a comprehensive list of the best tools I've used to build over 10 projects in the last 5 years. This course is 100% free and accessible to all members, with no level requirement. Explore it here: Best Tools Course Happy building! 😊
New comment Aug 12
1 like • Jul 14
It's a great list. Two things came to my mind: 1. I'd add Paddle as a payments provider specifically for SaaS. I also suggest to separate plain processors from merchants on record. (FastSpring is another potential entry but I can't comment on them.) 2. I moved from Notion to Obsidian. With the fantastic Excalidraw plugin and the basic Kanban plugin it's even better than Notion imho and has replaced Notion and Trello for me.
1 like • Jul 14
@Xavier Coiffard I've heard that Paddle is very picky about their users and it's reflected in their sign up already (select products or services and you're "guided to the exit") but I haven't had any bad experiences myself. On the other hand, I have never used LemonSqueezy and saw Gumroad only as a customer so I can't really compare. To make another argument for Paddle: they're also "thought leaders" in PLG and SaaS pricing and offer plenty of resources which I personally found to be very useful and interesting. I moved from Evernote (where further development seemed to have stalled and IIRC they also had a number of devices limit) to Notion first and was happy until I used Miro more often while collaborating closely with a graphic designer and found how important the visual part was to me. I started using Excalidraw separately for simple visuals and always wished there was a tool that would unite these main tools I used in my spare time, Trello for Kanban boards (liked theirs better than Notion's), Notion for structured note taking, and Excalidraw for visuals. I switched because the "plugin enhanced" Obsidian offered all of this in one tool, for free, synchronized in my own cloud, and based on plain text files that I could also version-control if I wanted to. Of course this works best if you're using it alone, I can't comment on collaborative editing features like Miro's because I only use it solo. And there are things that wouldn't work, like using a Notion page as a website.
From zero to one - good reads
I am going on a summer holiday this week and am planning more hacking in the next 6 months. For me, the hardest thing has always been distribution. Up until now, I have raised VC money and hired someone else to do sales and marketing, but this time I want to solo it. What are good reads, courses or podcasts on early distribution for a solo SaaS project?
New comment Jul 13
1 like • Jul 12
The Minimalist Entrepreneur (Sahil Lavingia) and Start Small, Stay Small (Rob Walling) are two fitting books for solo founders which cover distribution.
1-6 of 6
Matthias Gall
1point to level up
Software engineer turned entrepreneur, building my own portfolio of small bets. Building a VR game, Beneath The Order:

Active 1h ago
Joined Jul 9, 2024
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