Bio: I love thinking outside the box to inspire & innovate. Curiosity & enthusiasm encourages me to constantly seek new ideas & trends. Lets brianstrom.
Bio: Joined TZT 05-19-2023 - I love learning & assisting with training on new technology platforms. I am ready to Lead and Serve. I reside in SE MIssouri
Bio: Military mom and patriot that loves supporting our veterans. Single mom of 3 and Mimi to 7 amazing grandchildren. Live your best life helping others!
Bio: I am a serial entrepreneur! If you know something of value, you have the moral obligation to share it with others! ! It’s never too late to WIN! GKCF!
Bio: I am a compassionate individual with deep love for family and an unwavering passion for helping others. I embrace life's challenges as opportunities.
Bio: I am a motivated, lifelong learner with a diverse range of interests and experiences. I am passionate about personal growth and connecting with others