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Growing with God (Free)

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2 contributions to Growing with God (Free)
Proverbs challenge day 5
For Day 5 of the Proverbs Challenge, I chose Proverbs 5:18: "May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth." This verse really spoke to me because it emphasizes the blessing and joy that come from a godly relationship. Proverbs 5 as a whole warns against the dangers of ungodly relationships and encourages us to remain faithful and patient. It reminds me to trust in God’s timing and to wait for the godly woman He has prepared for me, knowing that such a relationship will be a source of true joy and blessing. This chapter encourages me to stay focused on what truly matters and to avoid distractions that could lead me away from God’s plan. Like Jacob, who patiently waited for his wife, I’m committed to waiting for the right person, trusting that God’s plan is worth the wait. What verse from Proverbs 5 stood out to you? 🙂
New comment Aug 6
1 like • Aug 6
Proverbs 5 is like a letter to men. It talks about the traps of adultery and lust along the way but also urges men to be on guard and remember that these traps are deadly. This chapter encourages men to be patient and steadfast in their waiting because all good things happen for the good. Verse 22 says, "The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast." This verse speaks to me because it vividly shows how sin takes over our lives and traps us from blessings and fully living our lives.
Proverbs challenge day 3
Hey Guys! We’re on Day 3 of our Proverbs Challenge! Today, I found it hard to choose just one verse because so many were meaningful, but I’m going with Proverbs 3:5-6 - one of my mom’s favorite scriptures: Proverbs 3:5-6 : “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. These verses remind me of the importance of fully trusting in God and not relying solely on our own understanding. It’s a beautiful assurance that when we submit to God in every aspect of our lives, He will guide us and make our paths straight🙂🙌🏽 I plan to meditate on these verses today, reminding myself to trust God completely in my decisions and not to rely on my limited understanding. And trust that God will lead me to the correct path🙏🏽 Keep up the great work everyone and let’s continue this journey together. Share your verses and let’s inspire each other! Looking forward to seeing your insights!
New comment Aug 4
1 like • Aug 4
From today’s reading, my favorite verse is Proverbs 3:11-12, "My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in." So many times, I feel like God doesn’t love me. I wonder why He makes me suffer while others, who don't even know Him, seem to live good lives. Why can’t I get what I ask for? When I sin, the guilt feels overwhelming. Why do I feel offended when He punishes me? It's because He loves me. His discipline is a sign of His love, just like a father disciplines a child he delights in. This realization helps me understand that God's correction is meant for my growth and well-being, not as a sign of abandonment.
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Annabelle Anna
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Active 42d ago
Joined Aug 3, 2024
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