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Early-Stage Startup Collective

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3 contributions to Early-Stage Startup Collective
Set Your Goals For The Week (5/13/24)
Hi everyone! I'd like to invite all of you to publicly set a weekly goal in the comments. This is open to both attendees of our weekly accountability sessions and those who don’t participate. I hope offering a text-based accountability option will be helpful to everyone.This post is a small commitment to both yourself and our group. In next week's post, you’ll have the opportunity to announce whether you achieved your goal and to document your goal for the following week. Here are the basic instructions: - If you accomplish your goal from the previous week, announce your win and set your next goal. - If you don’t achieve your goal, you’re encouraged to share not excuses, but your plan for accomplishing it this week. Accountability isn’t about blame; it's about progress. All reasons are valid, but a lack of progress is not. If it takes two weeks instead of one, that's fine - just make sure to get it done. Please be as specific as possible and ensure that your goal is entirely within your control. Action: Write your goal for the week in the comments
Complete action
New comment May 20
2 likes • May 13
Schedule/have 10 customer interviews over the next two weeks
Welcome and Introductions
Hi all! Thanks for joining my community. This is designed to be an education and accountability-centric startup community hosted by (un)conventional ventures focused on moving you closer to your startup goals - step-by-step. You can engage as much or little as you like, but the more you engage the more resources you unlock including additional education and templates 😉 Initial ways to participate are below and do what makes sense for you and make sure you get some value. We're all all too busy for things that aren't helpful or fun! To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: - Your Name - Where you're from - 1 sentence description of your startup/project - What you hope to get out of the community Key Areas to Check Out: - Step 1: Start Here - Resources List - software and websites that will help you in the early stages of your startup journey - Community Calendar - office hours, accountability meetings, and coworking sessions Thanks for listening - welcome to class 🙃
New comment Jul 30
2 likes • May 9
- Nicholas Londono - Nico - Miami, FL - Claridad generates personalized follow-up emails based on meeting/CRM data to boost engagement and sales. - Meet other cool founders
1 like • May 10
Mr. Miguel himself
How I Prioritize Daily Operations - The Business Scale Engine
A while back I created an internal methodology called the "Business Scale Engine" with the idea being I wanted an easy "checklist" type process to manage daily meetings and operations without feeling overwhelmed (and with a consistent priority ranking that I could rely on). I've dropped the intro to the doc below. Feel free to click the google doc link here to view the full thing if you are interested. There's a bunch of formatting and colors that skool doesn't allow for in this post so I figured it was easier to give you the intro and let you experience the full doc there. Hopefully you find it helpful, thanks all 🙏 Introduction: This document outlines the "Business Scale Engine," a comprehensive methodology designed to optimize and streamline operations within an early-stage startup. The methodology is structured around three crucial departments: Research & Development (R&D), Go-to-Market (GTM), and Required Support Operations (RSO). This covers all core areas and ensures 99% of items are covered. - Research & Development (R&D) focuses on the dual aspects of product strategy and development. It aims to refine your product into a minimum viable product (MVP) that is both scalable and meets customer expectations. - Go-to-Market (GTM) addresses the essential strategies for customer acquisition (getting), retention (keeping), and activation (referrals). It starts with fundamental activities such as customer discovery and lead acquisition, moves towards optimizing acquisition processes, and culminates in the expansion of customer acquisition channels. - Required Support Operations (RSO) encompasses the support areas necessary to handle required operations and compliance, including legal, compliance, finance, operations, and human resources. This department ensures that all critical support functions are handled efficiently and effectively, safeguarding the company from future complications.
New comment Apr 30
1 like • Apr 30
In the earliest stage of a startup (idea), which one should i prioritize?
1-3 of 3
Nico Londono
14points to level up
student + startup founder

Active 51d ago
Joined Apr 24, 2024
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