Crack the 'I Need to Think About It' Code: Turn Doubt into Opportunity 🤔➡️🎯
Let's talk about that classic objection: 'I need to think about it' 🤔 Now, usually when someone says this, it boils down to three things. They either don't believe in themselves, the product, or there's some hidden objection lurking in the background. Here's the deal: it's not about what you say, it's how you react. If you jump in with, 'Why do you need to think about it?' you're putting them on the defensive 🛑 Instead, keep it chill. Say something like, 'No worries, take your time'. Now, here's where you flip the script. Ask them, 'Do you think this can help you reach your goals?' When they say yes, let them sell themselves on why. They're basically giving you the ammo you need 🎯 After that, dig a little deeper. Ask, 'So when you're off this call, what's gonna be the first thing that pops into your head?' This opens the door to tackle any lingering doubts they might have. So, the next time you hear 'I need to think about it,' remember: it's not a roadblock, it's an opportunity 🌟