Want to make your CRM more powerful and efficient? Join our webinar to learn how!
Ep. 27: Unleash the power of Roll-up Sum & Field Dependency (Fri, 14 July 2023, 4:30 PM) Here's what we'll cover: 1️⃣ Roll-Up Sum: Say goodbye to manual calculations! Easily add up revenue from opportunities or service ticket charges for each customer. 2️⃣ Dependencies and Formulas: Customize field display based on specific conditions or apply calculated formulas for smarter data management. 3️⃣ Studio Layout Settings: Ensure important fields are not missing from your layout. Optimize your CRM's user interface for better productivity Register Now: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArfu2rqjgpG9ORMhDhs91Ke0fw_LHT1wa8