Bio: Building Critical Thinking for Neurosparklers: The Grown Up Guide to Living the Dream
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Embrace your Bird Brain
Bio: Productivity coach helping working moms excel professionally without sacrificing their families. I write on leadership and effective communications.
Bio: Balance coach, facilitator, mother, wife, daughter, friend, cricket player;
Making the world better through compassion; love creativity, nature, naps
Bio: Hospice Executive Director. Build a strong faith, a great marriage, and a healthy family because in the end, they are the only things that matter.
Bio: I work with lesbians and queer women as a community builder and life coach. Now, I dream of using writing to give even more value to my community!
Bio: Sober, Super Dad. Potential ADHD. Has a visceral desire to help local SEO clients earn massive ROI. Writes about personal growth, parenting, & wisdom.