Bio: Born Santa Barbara CA raised in New Braunf. TX mother of 3 amazing kids Family friends faith are of utmost importance to me blessed beyond measure
Bio: Operations manager for a growing company. Passionate about supporting local businesses and helping at risk youth. Sentenced to 97 months SS 11/8/23
Bio: Former stockbroker of 20 plus years in south Florida, father of 3 boys .
Charged with wire fraud in connection to stocks . Finishing up my sentence
Bio: Sentenced on 4/29/2024 to 18 months, plus 6 months Home Confinement. I worked hard every day while I was out on bond for the best possible outcome.
Bio: Spent 21 months in federal prison, completed Supervised Release.
If you have questions about FCI Big Spring, TX or FTC Oklahoma City, let me know.
Bio: Accountant/former atty, 66; 2022--Spent 4.5 mos Danbury FCI Camp + 3.5 mos HC on 1 yr+1-day sentence for IRS-related issues. Now on 3-yr probation.
Bio: I'm a USC Trojan, husband, and father of two, co-leading White Collar Advice. I proudly collaborate with my team to assist justice-impacted people.