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5 contributions to Content Academy
My first video is LIVE! 🚀
Hi Everyone.... I finally got around to building up the courage and develop my first Skool Community and today I posted my very first video following @Stephen G. Pope 's strategy, both on my YouTube Channel and on my TikTok account. I would love some feedback as to the quality of the video and sound. I know there is a lot to improve upon, specially because I am using Focusee and couldn't really figure out the whole automatic zoom feature..... but I'll get there! Don't mind my Brazilian accent and the captions in Portuguese.... that was the way I found to have the video in English while still not alienating my fellow countryman that don't speak the language. I want to give lower income folks in Brazil, who can't afford to learn English, to have a chance at creating automations (my niche) and creatively build and sell apps, to help on their income. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated! Cheers!
New comment 1d ago
My first video is LIVE! 🚀
1 like • 10d
@Rafael de Paula Barbosa Ai sim! Seria legal se voce pudesse participar da minha comunidade também!
1 like • 1d
@David de the Sftr platform pulls the database from Airtable
Learn this earlier
Shower thought: I always see everyone talking about 100% AI generated faceless videos, But I genuinely think it wouldn’t be that hard to make a tool, that makes compilation based videos. 100% automatically. You just first have a database of outlier title formats, then you apply your niches context / subjects to those outlier formats and you have a topic. After that you use an AI to look through Google to find stories that could fit in that subject, for example the title would be When police officers arrest a judge. You find the story, then generate YouTube search queries based on the events to find the corresponding footage or images. For each piece of footage and image you generate for every 2-3 seconds a description. You then based on those descriptions and corresponding clips tell an LLM to write a script with the structure of Hook - clip - explain scenario - clip. It would know what clip is what based on the corresponding descriptions. After that you add music or generate music, captions. And optionally you could get AI to generate a thumbnail, but I’d rather just let the user photoshop one and boom. You actually have a useful automatic video generator that doesn’t produce generic content. And yes I know about in video AI, but that won’t get you results.
New comment 18d ago
1 like • 21d
Hey @Randy Adolez it seems that you are describing the Faceless Video 100% Automated ( that can be found in the classroom, except that images are not generated in Leonardo but instead sourced out of Google. Am I right?
💰CANCEL Your Monthly API Subscriptions (Build Your Own API)
In this video I’ll show you how to eliminate the hundreds of dollars you spend monthly for subscriptions services in your automations. We'll use AI to build a nearly free API that can replace all the costly subscriptions. We're even releasing a Make(dot)com custom module to make it super easy to use.
New comment 17d ago
💰CANCEL Your Monthly API Subscriptions (Build Your Own API)
1 like • Aug 20
This is amazing!
💪 Keep Your Head DOWN—And STICK To Your PLAN
This past week was tough. Various events kept knocking me off track. I made promises to clients, I had to deliver a new course to my community, and I have 2 YouTube videos to record. And I have to be a good dad and husband to my family. And its ALL important: I need happy clients, happy community members and more YouTube videos to grow my business. And why are we doing all this if we can't be present with our family? That means I have very little time for mistakes, or distractions. But things kept going wrong none the less. - An upset client called my product "ridiculous" - While recording videos for my community I kept making mistakes - I had to re-record hours worth of videos - I realized TWO of the videos used the wrong mic (they sounded terrible) - I was days behind and I still hadn't even started my YouTube videos With a growing TODO list, and less time to do it, there were moments where it was hard to do ANYTHING. I was frozen. All I could imagine was all the people I was about to upset, or let down. These are the times where you have to calm down, regroup, put your head down, and stick to your plan. For me the best method is simple. A quick drive to a local Airport where I can watch a few planes take off and land. AND a good old fashion note book to map out next steps. I mapped out all the things I still needed to get done, in order, so I could focus. One at a time, instead of them all flashing before my eyes all at once. I mapped out what I could do for my upset client, and presented the next steps to resolve the issue. I mapped out what was going wrong with my videos, and how I could use that to produce better videos. I found an AI tool to help me fix the audio issues from recording on the wrong mic. I decided on the 2 YouTube videos I'd record. And then I drove back home and attacked each item one by one. As I sit here right now, I launched the course (on time) and have only 1 more YouTube video to record. I sent the first YT video to my editor an hour or so ago.
New comment 15d ago
1 like • Aug 17
@Stephen G. Pope and @Ben Biedrawa there is also
1 like • Aug 17
A great book on what and how to focus is "The One Thing" from Peter Thiel
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
Hi! Welcome to the Content Academy. This community is designed to help you build a profitable content strategy, efficient team & automated content process. Step 1: Introduce yourself in THIS THREAD below! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) Where are you from? What are you working on? What immediate help do you need? Step 2: Read the rules and checkout our free courses and paid programs
1410 members have voted
New comment 2h ago
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
1 like • Aug 17
@Becky Smith Thanks! 😁
1 like • Aug 17
@Andrés Parodi Beautiful city and country.... loved visiting Patagonia and all the wineries near Santiago! Saludos! 🍷
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Renato Goulart
26points to level up
Rethinking Productivity... One Workflow automation at a Time!

Active 2h ago
Joined Aug 1, 2024
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