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Freedom Academy

Public • 142 • Paid

Recovery Blueprint

Private • 39 • Paid

3 contributions to Freedom Academy
Write Your Journal Entries Below!
As mentioned in the modules, the recovery journal is a very effective way to go on the offensive with your recovery. Up to this point, you have been reacting to urges, intrusive thoughts, and fantasies. Now it is time to go on the offensive! So here is how you can use this journal to maximize success: (I will know if you don't use this) Daily Entry: You can do one or both of these entries for your daily... 1) Talk about benefits, vision, or the "why" for that day. This can keep you mindful of why you want to get over your sexual vices, especially early on. You can even do the opposite, even though I personally don't use this one very often. So you can talk about what your life would be like if you were to continue to act out with porn, masturbation, or sex workers. 2) You can plan for you day in terms of recovery... Are you anticipating a stressful day? Plan on how you will deal with the stress when it comes up so you can ensure that you don't use a sexual outlet instead. Expecting down time? Create a plan... Use this entry to plan for potential pain agents so you can deal with them properly. This is my favorite use of the recovery journal and something that I still use to this day! Reactive Entry: Use this entry when you find yourself dealing with an urge. WHY? Because you will have DATA. WHY did the urge come? WHERE were you? HOW did you react? WHAT can you do in the future? It can even stop you from acting out, especially if you were to talk about your "why". Retrospective Entry: This is done after any setbacks that you may experience... Most men try to forget the experience ASAP because they don't want to sit in the pain. However, there is so much important data they aren't considering like WHY? WHEN? What can I do better on in the future? The men that have the most success in recovery collect this data when a setback occurs. If you want success, you do these daily below...
New comment 8d ago
Write Your Journal Entries Below!
1 like • Jul 30
@Abner Joseph no problem keep it up
2 likes • Jul 31
7-30-2024 Today I fell into porn again for the 4 straight day my sell talk isn’t the best as of lately. I need to start working on myself more and dig myself out of this hole if been in mentally. With the help of God and y’all’s support.
Download the Skool app
Highly suggest downloading the app to your phone so you can complete the recover journals easier
New comment Apr 2
0 likes • Apr 2
What app
How does this look in your life?
“Set your gaze on the path before you with fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions” - Proverbs 4:25
New comment Jun 14
0 likes • Apr 2
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Ricardo Mendoza
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Active 5d ago
Joined Mar 26, 2024
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