Bio: I’m an artist on a journey of discovery, exploration, and expression through my writing. Genres for features: psychological horror and fantasy 💜 ⭐️
Bio: Slangin 📺 commercials. Slow drains make me gag at least, barf at worst. 🙏🏾 grateful my mom never has or will wear jeans with holes in them. 📈Degen
Bio: Samuel Jaye Paul is a stunt professional whose credits span 20+ years. In 2018, Jaye founded It's OK Productions, Inc. He is a member of the SAMP.
Bio: A passionate writer looking to learn from others. I've been in the news market for years but want to transition into being creative in screenwriting.
Bio: I wanted to make movies since I was 5 years old and saw Star Wars (OT) for the first time. Since then I've learned VFX, Editing, and finally Writing .
Bio: Award-winning Film-Poet & Agent of Imagination.
Cameroon born and raised, DMV bred, Tongvan Land of L.A. workin. Loves Mario Kart & fried Plantains.
Bio: Sarah Jayne, is a versatile storyteller who in 2006 began her film industry career. Sarah Jayne has directed numerous films and has written one script