Bio: C'est plus important la maitrise de ma vie et ma croyance Je désire l'objectif pour atteindre la liberté financière et mon rêve devenir l'investisseur
Bio: "Tout ce que l'esprit peut concevoir et y croire, l'esprit peut le réaliser."
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe in, the mind can achieve."
Bio: I live in Norway and work as handyman. I think why not to invest. But I don't know how best to invest. I am happy to learn from you all :) 🇳🇴 + 🇩🇪
Bio: building electricity, passion for cycling, dream of doing a Formosa tour in Taiwan (which resembles the Tour de France), cake :) Fan counrty Slovakia
Bio: I am interested in art. Additional work as a performer VV. I will try to learn a new topic related to investment. I don't know much about it at all.
Bio: Apprendre quel façon d'établir la stratégie d'investissement solide et de plus rentable au moyen terme pour me permettre d'atteindre mon objectif.