Happy Sunday..How Is FP Business going for the New Biz Owners???
As far Mine. Things are moving along, Thankful..🙏🏼. Doing a few FP here and There.. Enjoying Helping with FP No millions In a Month, As Rome Was Not Built In a Day!!! Waiting on Feedback for my LiveScan equipment, services, payments options terms and conditions to be given Interesting to say the least on the various services that are offered all the way around.. Being able to offer multiple services!!! Enjoying the knowledge being gained!!!!! NEWS YOU CAN USE.... •Be Sure to confirm what your cost will be Ongoing for ALL services.. •Please keep in mind. ALTHOUGH you BUYING (paying monthly payments, etc. OR paying outright NO financing) the equipment.. •Be MINDFUL that DOES NOT cover THE FEES that you will have to pay for the services you are rendering to your consumers, for your channeling services, etc.. •ASK questions...DO NOT JUST GO WITH THE SUGGESTIONS given to you..BY your Potential Service provider... (REMEMBER THIS IS YOUR BUSINESS...) INVESTING COMES with A COST!!!.. (money not just falling from the sky) •You want to Know THE BOTTOM LINE to it All... •Having a Not Asking questions attitude , just because starting a business IS not The Answer!!! There Is the WRONG Questions...ASK and ASK UNTIL you getClartiy of what You are Investing In!!! •Write it Down (questions) Before you speak with you potential Vendor/Service Provider !!!!! ☆☆☆☆☆This B2B, Straight 101☆☆☆☆☆ WISH everyone the Best in their Journey!! Have a Blessed Week!!! ....🙌....!!!