Bio: Passionate entrepreneur, loves marketing, tech and traveling with my wife. Values meaningful conversations. Owns a used car lot and a moving company.
Bio: Oldest son to Monserrat, big bro to Albert, Johnny, & Evelyn. I like to talk about; The Good News!, R.E.G, S.S, P.W, O.P.L, & D.W.T.P (b.w.r.c.a.t?)
Bio: BLoGrace brand introduces the Hip-Hop Freedom Flag 4 Kingdom kids through Christ to encourage second chances for those believing in God's promises.
Bio: Roderick's owns Nextus Media. His goal is to mix old school marketing basics with the latest AI innovations to bring maximum results to his clients.
Bio: Finance trailblazer dedicated to empowering people in the realm of Biz and Wealth creation. $680+ million raised in capital for fellow biz owners.