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2 contributions to The Calm Lion's Path
Right & Wrong in Conflict
👉When in conflict with a woman, do you believe someone is right and someone is wrong? Share your feedback below.
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New comment Feb 19
Right & Wrong in Conflict
1 like • Feb 15
When there is two people involved in any conflict, it is 50/50. Both are at fault if there is no resolution. There is ego still involved if neither person is humbling themselves to admit and take accountability for having part in a situation that than turned into conflict. As a healed human being, being able to say I messed up is a strength in a world where most people will ghost/ignore you because it is easier. It is easy just say " i am sorry, I love you, please forgive me" and mean it to. As a man I pray fellow men lead in their masculine energy to be leaders by being able to have a feminine energy and be soft in moments like this.
1 like • Feb 19
Yes. There where times I did not apologize and made her feel at fault and there were times she didn't apologize. we triggered each other alot. We were both very prideful people in different ways. We triggered each and hurt each other in different ways My mindset was she needed to change which was wrong. Also she had the same mindset. after my marriage did not succeed. I realized, all I had to do was change myself and control my inner child, lead by example as a man how I wanted to be treated by treating a woman and if she did not reciprocate than I should of said this is where our conversation stops. I am walking away for you to breathe and think before you act or say more out pocket words and learn to lower your voice. I Learned to know my emotions and express them in a healthy ways and use healthy words that get the message across, are firm yet gentle. Words that set boundaries and understanding of the boundaries, as well as why the boundaries are set. The boundaries are for both of us, the woman and I to keep the relationship successful, smooth and our feelings intact, healthy and expressed in a healthy way. I am more patient and give grace to woman that makes a honest mistake as I would love the same grace back. Healthy example : I was leading a Bible study with a female friend. We are both excited to learn and to teach as she got excited she took over the study by excitement, totally OK but my ego got hurt. I let her talk and became quiet to silence my mind and connect with how I was feeling. She noticed and asked. So I expressed everything slowly and calmly but before I can say she took over the study without realizing it. She said "I took over the study didn't I" so I said "yes" she started to tear up and cry without sobbing but because she felt bad. I said "it was an accident and not your fault, I also said you are very wise and have a burning desire for yeshua as I do. Please keep that desire and eagerness because I also have so much to learn from you and your relationship with yeshua, how you decern the word. I apologized for Making it obvious I was upset and told her to connect with her emotions as I have. I also told her, that I am happy you feel safe enough to express yourself by crying in front of me and us resolving this in a healthy way so we can learn from it." Afterwards explained all the steps I took with her from our conflict to see exactly how I resolved our conflict with both of us doing it together so she than can do the same with me or others when we can't think straight due to emotions and if she is leveled headed like I was in that situation.
Telling a woman what to do!
You need to tell yourself what to do before you can tell a woman what to do. As men, it's critical that we learn to lead ourselves first before we are blessed with the honor of leading a successful relationship! 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽What are some ways you can lead yourself today?
New comment Feb 9
Telling a woman what to do!
2 likes • Feb 9
@J Malakhi I noticed while doing this it takes a lot of discipline, there is lots of food to eat that is bad and taste good. Takes discipline to turn down a quick dopamine and Serotonin fix. 👏🏻👏🏻
2 likes • Feb 9
I have actually, I set long term goals and focus on short ones while I work towards the big one I want to achieve. This has taught me that the best things take time and not a cheap fast and quick way to make me happy because then that is all I look to do. I used to give up if I didn't get my rewards right away. For example my weight loss journey. I started at 370 and did small goals of 30 Pounds at a time and now I weight 207 and going down to 175lb 12%bmi. What about you? Id like to hear and learn as well from your experiences @J Malakhi
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Theodore Gorkin
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Progress over perfection. Learning to live life with a purpose.

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Joined Feb 3, 2024
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