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Expert Coach Program

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Good Mind

Public • 225 • Free

Entrepreneur University

Private • 1.9k • Free

Das Unternehmernetzwerk DACH

Private • 250 • $25/m

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High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

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8 contributions to Good Mind
Hi, beautiful souls,
During my training with a jeweler, I deeply explored the energetics of precious metals such as gold, platinum, silver, and gemstones including diamonds, sapphires, and rubies. I then spent 20 years optimizing computer systems in healthcare IT and delved into artificial intelligence, specializing in prompt engineering. From computer hacking to biohacking, I have explored the correlations to human consciousness and engaged with quantum physics. This journey led me to matrix quantum healing and hypnosis, practicing regression therapy and running a natural health practice with my partner, who is a naturopath. I am the father of two girls, aged 9 and 14, and have a deep understanding of Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X. My sensitivity and empathy have been deepened through numerous ayahuasca experiences, and I am passionate about assisting people at all levels to reach experiences in the 5D, 6D, or 7D dimensions. Additionally, I sing, dance both standard and Latin styles, and play the piano, guitar, flute, handpan, drum, and harmonica, preferably at 432 Hz. Everything I share comes from personal experience. I have trained in various martial arts including Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, Tai Chi, and Chi Gong. With luminous regards, Thomas Damm
New comment May 18
1 like • May 18
I take responsibility for all events and happenings in my external and internal life
1 like • May 18
I take responsibility for all events and happenings in my external and internal life
New to the group
- I am here from New York and happy to find this community. - I would love to learn what others are doing to move their businesses forward and any new tools and techniques you and your clients have had success with. I would also like to contribute my knowledge when appropriate. I have been a coach and energy worker since 2005 focusing primarily on women going through major life transitions.
New comment May 13
1 like • May 13
Welcome Heidi, I also joined the group some days ago...
1 like • May 13
If you want to automaticly build a homepage (with manual improvements afterwards) with a funnel for Leads and Email, I can suggest you the AI System I am using.
Neurofeedback Specialist in Los Angeles 🧠
Good morning beautiful souls! I am a Neurofeedback provider living in Los Angeles, Santa Monica area. I have an office in Culver City and Palos Verdes. My passion is helping individuals health dysregulation and tap into the possibilities of a better life. I am happy to be a part of this community and thrilled to connect with like minded healers. I look forward to the conversations and knowledge we will share with each other along the journey. Please reach out and say Hello 🏵️🧘🏻‍♀️🏵️
New comment May 13
0 likes • May 13
Maybe we could talk about Gamma Brainwaves?
Hi! I'm Luke!
Hi everyone! My name is Luke! I'm an NLP matter practicioner from Wisconsin. I'm hoping to launch a coaching business and could use some help! Thank you
New comment May 13
0 likes • May 13
Hi Luke, welcome... NLP is great.
Why Do People Avoid Mental Health Treatment?
In a world where the pursuit of physical health is often celebrated, the journey towards mental well-being can sometimes be met with hesitation and uncertainty. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, our mental and emotional landscapes deserve just as much attention and care as our physical bodies. So why is it that so many of us hesitate to take that crucial step towards therapy? 🤔 🔍 Fear of judgment: The fear of being labeled as "weak" or "crazy" by society can weigh heavily on our minds, casting doubt on the validity of seeking professional help for our mental well-being. But what if we reframed this narrative? What if seeking therapy was seen not as a sign of weakness, but rather as a courageous acknowledgment of our own humanity and resilience? 💬 Stigma Surrounding Mental Health: Misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding mental health can cast a shadow of doubt over the decision to seek therapy. From the notion that only those in crisis require therapy to the pervasive belief that mental health struggles should be kept hidden, these societal constructs can create barriers that hinder individuals from accessing the support they need. However, it's crucial to remember that seeking therapy isn't a sign of failure—it's a bold step towards self-awareness, growth, and healing. 🌱 ⏰ Time & Commitment: In a world where time is a precious commodity, carving out space for therapy sessions can feel like an insurmountable challenge. The demands of work, family, and other responsibilities may leave little room for self-care, let alone regular therapy appointments. Yet, amidst the chaos of our daily lives, prioritizing our mental well-being becomes not only essential but also empowering. Consider therapy an investment in your future self—a dedicated space for introspection, healing, and personal growth. 🤷‍♀️ Fear of Vulnerability: Opening up about our deepest thoughts and emotions can be daunting, especially in a society that often values stoicism over vulnerability. The fear of judgment, rejection, or even self-discovery can create hesitancy around seeking therapy. Yet, within the therapeutic space, vulnerability is not only welcomed but celebrated. Therapists are skilled professionals who provide a safe and non-judgmental environment for exploration and growth, where your vulnerabilities are met with empathy and understanding.
New comment May 13
Why Do People Avoid Mental Health Treatment?
0 likes • May 13
I see a lot of women in the astetic medicin, they spend thousands of mony for beauty and no money for theyr inner health....
1-8 of 8
Thomas Damm
85points to level up
Holististisches Mentoring:✨ Fortschritt durch Technik ⚙️ | Verbindung durch Menschlichkeit 🤝 | Wachstum durch Spiritualität 🌱

Active 2d ago
Joined May 7, 2024
D-53783 Eitorf - Germany
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