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From To-Do To Done

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5 contributions to From To-Do To Done
What do you wake up to? And how that might be impacting your productivity
Do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning regularly? Do you KNOW, without doubt, that you can have more efficient mornings? I had an epiphany this morning when my alarm went off.....I've been my own worst enemy when it comes to starting my day with a regulated nervous system. As much as I've been trying to be aware of my routines and habits that are blocking me, I missed THE FIRST THING THAT HAPPENS IN MY DAY! 🤦‍♀️ I realize that I pick up my phone and doom scroll before I get out of bed because my preconscious mind is already starting the cortisol fountain. My alarm is set to play my radio station, which happens to be news (delivered in a calm way but news, nonetheless). What did I do today when I realized that? I immediately researched alarms that are better for your nervous system. 🤔 I also reset all of my alarms, so the radio will come on two hours after I want to get up, and my phone will wake me with one of the five most recommended tones (for iPhone: Sench, By the Seaside, Uplift, Constellation, Slow Rise—I chose Slow Rise; my system said "YES!" to that one; the others were either jarring or "Meh"). I also realized I kept the news on from 6 to noon—that's too much, even if it's interesting. News will be on from 8 to 10, and then whatever variety of spa, classical, reiki, etc. I've got it set for that day will come on. Today, I turned opera on at 10, and I already feel better able to tackle my to-do list. Having that hope and energy first thing in the morning will be, I suspect, life-changing, and I couldn't be more excited (that may be partly because my cacao is brewed, so theobromine is on the way). What are your goals for your to-do list? Is something in your routine preventing you from accomplishing what is important to you? Is there something you can do to experiment with your habits and see what the shake-up does? I'd love to hear what you're thinking.
New comment 17d ago
1 like • 19d
Love this!!! I go to bed with my phone and wake up to my phone. Ugh!!! Can I be disciplined enough to keep my phone in a different room?
Happy (blurry?) Friday!
If there was ever a time to slow down to get stuff done, today's the day. The emotional energy of the day is pretty grounded, solid, and safe - so, as much as you can, do things you enjoy (and enjoy them). Eat good food, touch the earth (or earthly things), take a nap (even a really short one is helpful), luxuriate in life's simple pleasures. Today is also a day to allow the blurriness, it may not feel like a particularly clear day, like you're moving through fog. Surrender to that and focus on the thing in front of you. If your mind wanders out to the future or a part of your world that's blurry, touch a tree, feel your feet on the ground (or just feel your feet), then decide what you want to do next. I needed this reminder today as I prep for a trip that's got me a little wonky so, thank you for being here with me.
New comment Sep 20
1 like • Sep 20
It’s almost like you wrote this just for me!!! I felt all the feels with this one. Thinking of you and your trip! Keep dancing … you’ve got this!!!
Working with this partial lunar eclipse
Ok, so there won't be big transits every day, sometimes the energy is just normal, but, this week is pretty active. (This should be it for the technical talk) We have a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces later today and it's extra special because Mars is being it's agitator self by squaring off with the nodes. What in the world does that mean for your day? If this is as far as you read, use this energy as the kick in the butt it is to move forward by connecting to, and trusting, your gut (or heart or wherever you feel your instincts). I marked an action item at the end. We're all made up of all of the things (masculine-feminine, shadow-light, serious-playful, organized-scattered, etc) and today's eclipse has an extra boost of the divine masculine (to activate and inspire us to get in touch with our emotions so they can (healthfully) take the CEO reins). These few days (yesterday through tomorrow and, most particularly, today) may feel frustrating, emotional, intuitive, day-dreamy, and cutting. This angst is here to help you set the foundation for moving forward. This is an invitation to slow down and ask your emotions what they need/what they want to do, and for you to do it. You may find yourself needing or wanting to vocalize (yelling or singing would not be surprising today), getting creative, daydreaming, or just getting quiet and letting your mind wander (which is ALWAYS a good idea, this is just an extra special workout) - go with that flow, even if it's for just 60 seconds, whenever you feel called and have the ability to. You may feel surprised by the emotions that come up today and they may get in the way of your productivity and efficiency - try to tend to those emotions. It's likely that they're from childhood and they've gotten stuck in a pattern you had to implement to keep you safe (this comes from Mars in Cancer and that tricky square) and now, you have agency and can process and release those patterns/emotions. (I'm making an assumption about your situation here) Know that it's safe to process now, that your inner mother (divine feminine) is hear and ready to nurture you.
New comment Sep 18
0 likes • Sep 17
@Marni Schmid you’ve got this (and next week)!!!! And, of course, I have to ask … the house categorizations (relationships, work groups) are those specific to you and your houses or specific to houses in general?
1 like • Sep 18
@Gloria Walker I’ve been doing the same! It just hit hard this weekend to declutter again and deep clean the kitchen! It is freeing and feels necessary if we are going to hunker down for winter.
Monday morning Project Magic
Good morning - the Moon moves into Pisces today so we've got a couple of days of extra oomph in our intuition and day-dreamy insights - "data" will come from your interactions with nature and rest right now. Take a few minutes before you dive into your day (or a project or to-do item any time the next couple of days) and let your mind wander...note any lightbulb moments that come up in your intuition journal. Also, notice how slowing down and daydreaming shifts your body, mind, energy, focus, and motivation - I'd love to hear your feedback.
New comment Sep 16
2 likes • Sep 16
Never miss a Monday is our mantra at 5am CrossFit. Well, I missed today (went to NoonFit instead) and my whole day has been out of whack. Just proves that my new routine of workout followed with slow and intentional reflection and journaling before getting ready for the day is worth my time and energy.
Welcome to the From To-Do To Done Community!
Are you new to the community? Welcome, I'm really glad you're here! Introduce yourself in the comments so we can get to know you. The focus of this community is to help you get in touch with who you really are so that you can get past the confusion and frustration of not making progress on a big work project or on the priorities on your to-do list. If you’re like me, the pressure to conform and fit in you’ve felt throughout your career (and earlier) has you in a loop of fear – fear to embrace your true process, and fear of speaking up to ask for the resources you need (even if that’s just asking for a minute to formulate a plan). To make this shift more efficient, I like to use your astrological natal chart as a sort of cheat sheet to apply some amazing nervous system tools to show you how you, specifically, get back to the present moment (vs beating yourself up about the past or worrying about the future), and to recharge and rebalance your nervous system. This way you can use who you really are to fully get your move on with your priority projects. If you’re comfortable with sharing your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in the group when you post about a current project, please do, but please don’t share more than that here. Everything in the community will center around getting unstuck and owning who you really are so that you can move from to-do to done by: 1. Identifying current blocks that are mucking up your productivity 2. Getting your nervous system recharged and back on-line so you can healthfully navigate struggles 3. Understanding how the current astrological energy may be working for or against you and how you can apply it so that you can get moving (which may mean slowing down for a time) 4. Building and maintaining healthy boundaries so that you can focus on doing things your way for your greatest success Welcome again, and please introduce yourself below! GUIDELINES FOR COMMENTS AND POSTS: • Be kind – this is a no-judgment zone • Share your experiences (if you’re compelled to do so) but don’t advise others, remember, everyone’s experience and path is unique
New comment Oct 10
1 like • Sep 16
Hello! I’m Tricia .. I’m a Gemini Sun and Moon and a Leo Rising. This is all new to me and learning every day. Thank you putting this community together!
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Tricia Hock
13points to level up

Active 12d ago
Joined Sep 16, 2024
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