Bio: I help people and enterprises diagnose the messes they find themselves in, and design and build new practices to carry all of us into our futures.
Bio: Halifax Nova Scotia. Manage impact investment fund / ocean conservation. Interest: building a society that is based on caring, respect, & possibility
Bio: I coach and teach people in becoming evolutionary leaders that can design and mobilize a conscious evolution for a flourishing world. I read a lot.
Bio: I learn, I teach, I coach, and continue to evolve a discipline called Generative Leadership - founder of the Institute for Generative Leadership 1993
Bio: Exploring how language - which includes gesture, speech, and symbol - can help create a self-organizing. self-nourishing, and self-sustaining world.
Bio: I’m dedicated to building a work culture where people can find intrinsic joy and value from their dedicated commitment to their colleagues and company