Ask yourself these 3 questions to manifest you dream life
Manifestation is so much more than just knowing what we want and putting it on a vision board. I have written a whole workbook on how to do it, and this is only a tiny snippet from it but super powerful! We get to be more aware of our subconscious world, to manifest our dreams. We live 95% unconscious. Its on autopilot. Wouldn’t it be magical to take more charge of your life? What would just 1% more mean to you in your life? It starts with awareness. Habits. Your daily decisions. When you become aware of THAT, you’ve already made a huge shift in your future. If you want the workbook let me know and I will send you the link xx 1- WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MOST Look beyond the distractions, limitations and negative emotions. Pinpoint the dominant ideas about what you truly want to accomplish in life. Those are the ideas that should influence your most important decisions. 2- ARE YOUR ACTIONS AND YOUR GOALS IN ALIGNMENT WITH THOSE THOUGHTS ABOVE? if not - is it possible to move in a new direction more aligned with your deepest thoughts? 3- HOW IS YOUR TIME, MONEY AND ENERGY SPENT? How you spend these important things, time, money and energy, tells you what you truly prioritise right now. If you want to go really deep with this, look at your bank statements for a few months and find out what you spend the most on. This will probably surprise you! Definitely give you clarity. Write down at least 5 ways your time, energy and money are spent (this is super important to be very honest with yourself, if you need to, take a week paying attention to this as you live your day as usually. Unconsciously we can act differently than what we want. Have fun and pls update me with your wins and insights if you feel 🤩😍