Bio: Into martial arts for more than 20 years. Founder of Quebec Qigong Institute (Montreal). We mostly do Qigong, Tai ji and traditional Chinese medicine.
Bio: Rich developed BSR - Breathe Stretch Release a daily sadhana practice for those looking to bring more positive energy & joy into their daily lives.
Bio: Creator of the Smart Success Healthcare Community. Co-Owner of Smart Virtual Staff & Renewal Rehabilitation. Daddy to 4 kiddos. Husband to Mrs. Todd
Bio: Hi, I'm a video ads maker and also students of MBS .Well, I'm really lucky to find this field because it help me a lots and also gain in my knowledge.
Bio: Skool investor. I help Skool users (for free) set up & grow profitable Skool communities from scratch. DM me 'SKOOL' & I'll help you get set up & grow
Bio: My name is Yohan and I am honored to be part of this community.
I am a world traveler, transformational healer and conscious entrepreneur.
God Bless