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As someone who’s done BJJ for over 12 years, I made this group will help you gain muscle, whilst making progress in jiu-Jitsu!


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18 contributions to The Jiu-Jitsu Forum
I Lost... And here's what I Learned
This Picture is me in January 2023 It was my First ever BJJ tournament I went there "thinking" I was gonna win But in reality It was the opposite... I eventually did another tournament Which I lost... Again And at that point I was thinking of competing again, but just had no steam left in me for BJJ And around a year later I start my business I realize how much time business would take And I'm thinking of quitting... But then i decide to make BJJ part of my business, because I have 12 Years of experience in it And decide to get back into it, and take it seriously again So that's exactly what I do And... I fall back in love with it, and want to do it all day everyday But I realize I can't My business needs my attention As much as I want to compete As much as I want to go all day everyday I can't... My priority is $1k per month, and that needs me more So here's the lesson of the story As much as this picture makes me feel like a loser, and makes me pissed And makes me wanna get back in ASAP, and win I look at the second picture And realize what's more important And that's my lesson to you Weather you're like me, and you're a BJJ entrepreneur Or managing the gym, and bulking whilst doing BJJ No matter what You have to ask yourself What's the bigger priority? BJJ, or weight gain? BJJ, or business? You have to choose Whatever 2 things you're managing Always remember The man who chases two rabbits Caches neither... So which rabbit will you chase? And one last thing I'm not gonna lie I'm starting to lose some weight And getting kinda skinny But again Business > Gym Business > BJJ Comment W if this Post=VALUE
I Lost... And here's what I Learned
Gi, or No Gi?
It's time to settle this once and for all Gi, or No Gi?
1 member has voted
New comment 21h ago
What is your game?
I'm curious🤔what is your style of game in BJJ, for me I love playing guard, triangles, footlocks, and kimuras, write down your arsenal down below👇
What is your game?
I'm Jealous
Jimmy Carr once said "Everybody's jealous of what you got, but nobody is jealous of how you got it"... And that quote is SO POWERFUL, I'll never forget it Because it's true... I'm jealous of people who are at my goals already But I'm not jealous of how they got it It's a hard climb to get to the top And that's something no one is jealous of... So always remember this👇 Everybody's jealous of what you got, but nobody is jealous of how you got it Everybody see's the Trophies, but nobody knows how they where gotten Everybody wants to see the view, but nobody wants to climb Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die...
New comment 21h ago
I'm Jealous
Worst Injury?
What was your worst injury in BJJ? The worst injury I've heard was pretty recent, some guy tore his ACL, MCL, LCL, and PCL, from doing a judo take down. And my worst injury was almost a year ago, where I almost tore my rotator cuff. Comment down Below👇
New comment 4d ago
Worst Injury?
1-10 of 18
Zachary Swinford
4points to level up
Been Doing BJJ for 12 Years, now using that knowledge to help those build muscle whilst making progress I Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

Active 21m ago
Joined Sep 9, 2024
👈 Love BJJ, and the Gym?
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