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Owned by Zinia

Sacred Wellness Association

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A private wellness membership community offering education, support, & natural remedies for personal growth, mental clarity & overall well-being.



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7 contributions to Sacred Wellness Association
New Beginnings!
I have been using a bad word-- M-I-C-R-O-D-O-S-I-N-G. When I started the microdosing4wellness community, my vision was to create a safe, supportive space for people to heal, grow, and explore the benefits of psych3delics. Members were committed to holistic healing through natural therapies that honor the mind, body, and spirit. Friday, the day after the Lion's Gate Portal we faced a major challenge. Our payment processing account was suddenly shut down, labeled 'too high risk.' All member funds were refunded, leaving us without the financial support we needed. It felt like a setback, just as we were gaining momentum. But this challenge only reinforced the importance of our work. The shutdown led me to consider how to best protect our mission. With the help of psych3delics, I realized that moving our sanctuary into the private domain was the answer. So, I established a 508A PMA medical sanctuary, I wish I knew about this in 2018 when I was working with c@nnabis, but at least now it will protect everyone. This shift offers us key advantages: - Freedom of Speech: We now have full rights to speak on any topic, publicly or privately, without fear of censorship. - Private Healing Practices: Our sanctuary allows us to engage in any healing modality or religious practice that aligns with our mission—as long as it causes no harm. I deeply respect the Hippocratic Oath I took, ensuring that I not only do no harm but heal in the most natural way possible. The substances we use are among the safest plant and planet medicines available. - Enhanced Privacy: Our community enjoys enhanced privacy, protecting the sacredness of our work and the confidentiality of our members. - No Filing Requirements: As a 508A sanctuary, we are not required to file with any public or governmental agency, including the IRS, ensuring our practices remain sovereign. - Sovereignty Under God: We operate within a sovereign domain, guided by our spiritual mission to heal and serve, with no restrictions other than to avoid causing harm.
New comment 10d ago
Psych3delics & the Lion's Gate Portal 8.8.8
Psych3delics literally means "mind manifesting". The Lions Gate Portal on 8/8/2024, the Earth aligns with the star Sirius and the Galactic Center, is believed to open a powerful energetic gateway, amplifying our ability to manifest and connect with higher realms. This happens every year, but since 2+2+4 is also an 8 year- we triple or quadruple the power what we can manifest esp with psych3delics. When combined with the heightened energies of the Lions Gate Portal, these sacred plant medicines can offer an unparalleled opportunity for deep inner work, healing, and expansion of consciousness. Embrace this cosmic window to explore your inner landscape and align with your highest potential. The healing energies of the heart and third eye are the most powerful, use this time and the medicine to do all the hard work you have been putting off. It'll be the easiest tomorrow. Join me in manifesting all your desires tomorrow!! Do a deep mediation and affirm all your desires at 8:08am and 8:08pm. Those who are already in the membership program use the medicine and the power in you to power up the effects. AND if you need the medicine- book a call and join us!! Don't forget, just like every trip, we have to unpack from it- and the call on Sunday allows that "unpacking" and integration with peer and professional support. See everyone on the Call at 4pm EST!!
New comment 10d ago
Psych3delics & the Lion's Gate Portal 8.8.8
Ketamine injections
Who has tried the at home Ketamine injections? Just wanting information and feedback prior to doing this.
New comment Aug 5
1 like • Aug 2
I think you heard from me, but I feel it's about accessibility. This video is also in the classroom modules, but i wanted to post it here too, all forms are great, but the injectable form is the best studied and with best results. The microdosing of ketamine is OK, but needs to be ongoing (like meds), so the goal with this community would be to microdose with psilocybin, which has the potential to be curative. I, of course, would like to be as natural as possible, so if one needs a "bridge" to microdosing to get off serotonin meds in particular- ketamine is the answer. As for home use, there are many doctors and office services like mindbloom, ketaMD, etc that offer the losenges or nasal spray, but what they are seeing is that the "trip" needs to occur with ketamine for the brain changes we are looking for. Additionally, people more and more are getting comfortable with insulin needles- those tiny needles are being used for peptides, HGH analogs and most famously wegovy and mourjaro- the weekly weight loss shot. Also the medicine is only a fraction of what it takes to heal. There are many people who have used ketamine recreationally or even medically with non impressive results and in this community we make sure to address the common issues of why people have no response or a bad trip and it is lack of prep, we go over intention setting, trust and letting go, and most importantly integration.
What image best describes you?
I'm so excited that the group is growing!! I wanted to spark more engagement so please join me in playing a game and find an image or GIF that best describes you and why. I saw this picture and I immediately thought whoever designed this is a kindred spirit!! It really embodies my passions and what I believe in. First the 'brain', I was always fascinated by the brain and human behavior, which likely led me to my career choice as a psychiatrist. Even though I realized that industry as a whole is broken, I was able to "See" clearly on what CAN help the brain and human behavior- and it was almost the opposite what was taught to me!! My understand of "c@nnabis" was solidified through the thousands of patients I certified and followed. I believe we need a mix of cannabinoids to activate our endocannabinoid system so we are kept in balance. In my other hand I have "natures decomposers". What we needed to heal was given to us from the start!! The tab on my tongue? I was actually kinda "scared" of L$D, I'm pretty sure there are text book chapters that talk about the permanent damage or psychosis it can cause! BUT once I figured out we have to fact check everything they tell us, I've learned the opposite. All these things can grow our brain!! We can also microdose all these substances for optimal wellness. What scientists have discovered on neuroplastiscity and growing the brain REALLY shows us we can change our minds and our life! I also have 2 kids, a really fun-guy, and a sweet flower, I enjoy meditation and yoga and of course to be surrounded by bling!! Could it be more perfect? Please share about you!
New comment 10d ago
What image best describes you?
Happy Independence!!!
I always have had mixed emotions on this holiday, but I did reflect that after 2018, after cannabis became medically legal in my state- I really understood what freedom meant professionally!! Not only was I able to medicate myself the way I preferred to (plants > pills) - I could also now freely discuss the benefits of this plant with my patients!! As you can imagine from 2000-2018, any patient that told me they were using cannabis or had a dirty test I had to tell them the consequences. I followed what my mentors said.... Amotivational syndrome, poor sleep, dependence, withdrawal, fertility issues, gateway drug, legal issues blah ,blah, blah...... (none of that is true BTW, except for legal issues! that is the most common side effect ) Now, I knew how I benefitted- sleep better, anxiety less, mood happy, more creative, funnier, laugh more, appreciate music more, think more, express more, connect more, love more--- but I was just N of 1..... did others get relief? or did they really only want to "get high"? After seeing 38,000 patients with medical MJ experience- I got my answer!! Cannabis is the answer!! Since then there was a global pandemic and lockdown with death, loss, and isolation beyond proportion that our lifetime has never seen. Personally, I also experienced losses and was looking for something more. Where to turn when cannabis is not enough? Do you go back to pills? I knew there was nothing down that road..... I did however, see amazing transformations with IV Ketamine, the legal psychedelic (pharmaceutical), and that really opened my eyes to other "natural" psychedelics. Enter psilocybin! Magic mushrooms? is medicine?! That made me pause more than cannabis is a medicine because I only knew what I was taught in med. school. I understand now the medical community won't recommend anything they can't profit from and you can't patent nature! What does this have to do with Independence Day and freedom? After using mushrooms and some other psychedelics I feel more of excited responsibility to share and educate people on the potential of not only healing but optimal growth and human potential. The right to try act allows doctors to discuss the benefits of experimental medicines, after people have exhausted other options for life threatening illnesses. Mental health issues are life threatening!! We need to treat these issues!! Psilocybin is already fast-tracked by the FDA...
New comment Jul 16
1-7 of 7
Zinia Thomas
28points to level up
An Ex-Psychiatrist turned Holistic Coach driven to transform mental health thru "out-of-the-box" methods with cannabinoids, psychedelics, and peptides

Active 3d ago
Joined May 19, 2024
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