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The Financial Freedom Challenge
Hey All, My name is Kyle. I’m a seven figure successful entrepreneur which heavily deals in the Airbnb space. As a business we operate in an industry called rent to rent. This is leasing a property from a landlord then renting it out to private guests. It’s a popular booming industry, which has been made popular via Airbnb. The term of guests renting a property is called STR (Short Term Lets) and is popular all over the world. The thing is property in general is popular all over the world. The reason why Airbnb is popular is simply because guests get the experience and hosts get the money! My 6 years doing this business has allowed me to achieve mastery level at both, offering a experience and also making good money but it’s not easy, it can be challenging with many pitfalls but you have to know where to navigate to find your path. This is where I come in. I have created a free challenge on Skool, allowing people to join, learn on the courses and interact. We will share guidance and help to hopefully get on the road. If you want to fast track your new potential career, we offer turnkey airbnbs with training for a packaged price, but for now, it’s best to focus on learning the basics to get you ahead in this popular business model. The reason why this business is popular is because 1 It’s fast money making (you can set up and reap rewards instantly) 2 Platforms like Airbnb and can make it easy. But you can’t rely on them of course. Being successful means being able to generate money in your own economy 3 Most importantly it gives you freedom. The level of systemisation you can implement is unparalleled to most other businesses. But first you must learn these processes and learn what the business is about. HERES THE CHALLENGE The challenge is to become financially free. How do you do this?!?! Well it’s actually quite straight forward. 1 Find properties or buy “sourced” properties 2 Set them up but find your nice and style
Open rent application
Hey guys, not sure if anyone has used open rent yet but under the EPC section that says “EPC Rating (Purchase EPC for £69)”…Is an EPC something we need to obtain in order to advertise on open rent?
New comment Feb 24
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Financial Freedom with Airbnb
This Academy is designed to help and support you set up your rent to rents, scale and achieve maximum financial freedom
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