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The end, for now
Hey fellow allies Somewhere between 10/9 and 11/9, I'm going to need to shut down this group I will use the months I have till January to draw out a better plan to start of stronger now that I know what it takes to get real traffic to my community If you want to know when this new community will be created, you can send me a DM saying smth like 'I would like to join your new community when you release it' Thank you to the few members who joined this in the past 14 days And hopefully I can help more people, faster and better when January comes around
New comment 15d ago
The end, for now
"Road to 1000 true fans: It's been 3 days"
Hey fellow Allies I missed the upload on monday 2/9 and tuesday 3/9 Sorry for that, I was busy strategizing to get this community on tracks Here's my plan: 1. Make a course and price it at $99 (so I can keep this community alive, since I'm not allowed to invest until the start of January) 2. Get more eyeballs (Using warm outreach, commenting on posts, providing value to my target audience and content) I hope I can get my new course out as soon as possible, but also while having enough time to make it as amazing as I can If possible, do you think people who buy the course would like DM-accountability? (I ask them to send messages, or I send them, regularly to show I care about their journey towards beating procrastination)
2 members have voted
New comment 16d ago
"Road to 1000 true fans: Welcome Stef"
Hello Allie Today, I'm still following the Skool Games introduction course on how to build a community And today, we got 1 new member 🎉 Haven't done any outreach today, but tomorrow I'll start my day with writing a few interesting posts After that, I'm going to do a ton of outreach to get my group to 10 members Now that Stef joined, I have a fellow Allie to hold me accountable New update tomorrow 👋
"Road to 1000 true fans: Welcome Stef"
"Road to 1000 true fans: The start of something great"
Hello Allies Today is 31/08/2024 I'm starting this daily (sort of progress journaling) habit of sharing my progress toward my ultimate goal: 1000 true fans If I miss a day to post about anything new, then you guys get the chance to spam 'Where's my daily post? 😡' BUT, to make it up to my community, I will update you on what I DID do that day. As of today, I still have 0 new members in my community To get more members, I did: 1. Warm outreach: Asked 7 of my closest friends to become an Allie 2. Cold outreach: Asked a person that commented on one of my posts in another group to join this community To make this group better, I'm following the introduction course of The Skool Games New update tomorrow 👋
"Road to 1000 true fans: The start of something great"
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