Write something
⚡️ FIRST ACTION TASK ⚡️ 👇Tell us a little bit about yourself below. What do you hope to learn/improve upon by joining this community? What are some of the things you struggle with? What are some of your strengths? Feel free to add anything else you feel like sharing. 💯 The more we get to know each other, the more we can help each other.
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New comment 7d ago
Who am I? What do I do?
In case you were wondering who I am and what I do… 💯I am a synthesizer. ✅I consume knowledge in all areas of personal growth, through various education, books, courses, videos, and most of all personal experiences… ✅Then I think about ways to not only implement my learnings into my own life, but also figure out simple and effective ways to teach these things to others. ✅Then I use share my learnings through different posts or videos I create. ⏰I’ve spent more than a decade of constantly learning and improving my skillset in any way possible. 💸I’ve spent TENS of thousands on self-education. In addition to the $100k worth of formal education I’ve had. 😬I’ve also overcome MANY very painful and expensive mistakes. 🔥I became a life coach to teach others the tips, tricks, and strategies that I KNOW WORK, because I’ve used them to completely change my entire life, and the lives of dozens of clients. ⚠️Don’t waste your time trying to learn everything on your own. That’s the hard way. Trust me, I've tried every possible shortcut and they all failed. 🙏I'm going to show you the secret to achieving a life you love, a body that you feel great in, a confidence no one can take away, and a LIFE WORTH LIVING, rather than existing.
Fixed or Growth Mindset
A Growth Mindset is the mindset of winners, warriors, successful, courageous, and enlightened people. A growth mindset is the mindset of DOERS. If you identify with a Fixed Mindset we need to get that fixed ASAP.
Fixed or Growth Mindset
Are YOU the master of your own kingdom?!
Highly encourage everyone to follow this channel on YouTube. Ironically it’s called After Skool. I’ve learned SO MUCH from watching their videos over the years. Not to mention the amazing artwork. Start with this video here 👇
New comment 4h ago
Are YOU the master of your own kingdom?!
Hard Truth
Be conscious of when you begin feeling like you’re not where you should be, with who you should be with, doing what you should be doing. That feeling is you soul speaking to you. It is VERY RARELY wrong. Almost never.
Hard Truth
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Academy of Adulting
🗽Empowering the Next Generation for Independence & Success
💯Using Skool to Bridge the Gap Left by School
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