Got a client and made $15.
Finally, after probably months of "Outreach", met a guy from Poland via LinkedIn, chatted, hopped on a call, and edited workout videos for him.
He agreed to pay $5 per vid, which is fine by me.
Received my first paycheck today.
I was literally on the verge of giving up and accepting that this online thing is crap and there's no light at the end of the tunnel.
Special thanks to and the other group members who kept my motivation high when I was just not feeling like it.
However, I didn't make thousands of dollars or anything.
What I am making is actually nothing of that big either.
I'm just saying, I reached to level 2 (making money, even if it's a dime) from level 1(unemployed broke ass)
It's 1 step at a time.
Hope that my way to 4 figure isn't that far away.
Let's see what the future holds!
Adnan Swaleheen
Got a client and made $15.
Hormozi Community
Fan Group for Leila and Alex Hormozi. Curated videos into a Master of Business Acquisition (MBA) at Acquisition University.
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