๐Ÿ“‰ How would you pivot your business model to enhance profits in a crisis?
Drawing inspiration from Alex Hormozi's approach during the COVID situation in transforming gym operations, think about how you might adapt your own business practices or strategy during challenging times to increase profitability. Reflect on Hormoziโ€™s method of switching to a remote service model and share your ideas in the comments below. What changes would you consider to maintain or grow your income during unexpected crises? Aim for a brief response between 25 to 100 words. Don't forget to strengthen our learning community by commenting on at least 2 peersโ€™ responses and liking 3 that resonate with you.
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Alexi Drouin
๐Ÿ“‰ How would you pivot your business model to enhance profits in a crisis?
Hormozi Community
Fan Group for Leila and Alex Hormozi. Curated videos into a Master of Business Acquisition (MBA) at Acquisition University.
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