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Hello There, My Name Is Adonis Safadi And Am Glad To Have You In The Community. You Probably Joined After You Read The Descreption Of The Community (If Not Don't Worry, Just Read This Massage) Am Adonis Safadi, 16 Years Of Age And I Plan To Document My Journey With You Guys About Me Acheiving My Goals , And Hopefully Along The Way I Manage To Help In Any Way Another Human Being In Any Random Problem They Might Have In Life. And To Be Honest With You, I Feel Selfish When I Say "My Goals And You Watching Aside", That's Why I Made This Community, So That You Have A Way Of Reaching Out To Me And We Can Communicate For Free, And As You Can See, I Just Got Started And Am Messing Around To Find Out, So Any Advice Any Note Any Tip, Write It In The Community And Let's Help Each Other Out So That We ALL Acheive Our Goals. So I Made The Community Specifically For Teenage Beasts And Ambitious Young Men That Want To Improve Their Life And More Importantly To Ensure The Future You Want To Achieve (The #1 Reason We Teenagers Are Deep In The Self Improvment Space) And Am Giving You My Lessons That I Learned In My Short Time On This Earth And Lessons I Learned From Successful Entrepreneurs That Helped Me ,And This Community Is Also A Network For Super Niche People (Teenagers Who Are In The Self Improvment Space) So In Order For You To Get The Highest ROI (Return On Investment) I Want You To Engage, Talk About Your Life , And What Are Your Beliefs On Certain Subjects And What Are Your Goals And What Do You Enjoy And Give Other People Advice From Your Own Life. I Hope You Enjoy It And Gain Knowledge, And One Last Thing, I Believe That Doing Good For The Sake Of Imporving The World And Not For The Sake Of Personal Benefits Is The Right Thing, And That's Why If You Have Any Problem In Your Life And You Want Advice Or Opinions On It, Don's Feel Shy To Ask In The Community We Are All Here To Help Each Other.
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The Future
Am 16 And Am Documenting My Journey To Acheive My Goals, This Community is For The Youth Who Want To Improve Their Life And Connect With Likeminded Gs
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