17d ago (edited) in AI Discussion
Beware of the AI trap
AI can write faster than you can...but is that a good thing?
As the world gets more and more obsessed with AI and how it can increase efficiency
we also need to slow down and take a critical look at what it is creating
And ask ourselves..."Is this good?""
"Am I willing put to put my name on this?"
Because there is a trap if you aren't careful
It is totally possible to speed up your writing by 10X
But if the quality is bad and it feels robotic and generic
then it might do more harm then good.
There are ways to have both increased quantity and increased quality...but it takes time and effort and some domain expertise
So my advice to you is this...start using AI but don't forget your judgement and critical thinking
Kevin Hardin
Beware of the AI trap
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