You have/set the wrong priorities for your online shop!
Yes, probably YOU too 🫵
A quick test for you:
✅ Is your online shop conversion-optimised?
✅ Do you use storytelling about yourself in your online shop?
✅ Are your product photos appealing and informative?
✅ Are your product descriptions optimised for sales psychology?
✅ Do you send out regular newsletters and do email marketing?
✅ Do you use an external tracking tool to track your ads and your customers?
✅ Do you offer good and fast customer support?
If these points apply to you, then congratulations! You no longer need to read the article 😎
Realtalk: You're prioritising the wrong things in your e-commerce business!
Sure, it's understandable that you think finding the perfect product and creating the best ad creatives is the be-all and end-all. Almost every course or coaching programme out there will tell you that.
But I'm telling you with over 4 years of experience in this business: That's not true! 😅
The winner product?
There is no such thing. There may be products that are easier to sell with less effort than the others if you're a beginner. At least for a shorter time. But not more. I wrote an article about this here: ‘Winning product’ vs. ‘Boring products’. The myth of the winner.
There's no point in spending hours, even days, searching for the perfect product or creating and testing the best ad creatives & copy if your online shop is ‘in good German’ sh***.
So if your online shop is a mess, you don't have a straight line in your storytelling, your online shop takes ages to load, your texts & product texts are all boring and full of errors.
Because you're just wasting money on your ads - and wondering why? No. The problem is usually not your ads. The problem usually lies elsewhere!
Unfortunately, this is the case with 90% of all online shops that I see! 🤔
But what are the right priorities then?
Here are some of the priorities you should also focus on:
Customer trust
You need trust for your customer to buy from you! A good way to build trust is through an authentic storytelling strategy. Tell your story and show who you are and what your values are. Also show transparent delivery times and delivery costs directly on the product page and list all important payment methods under the ATC button. How does that work? I'll explain in the article: Inserting payment icons in Shopify, WITHOUT an app. Free & fast for faster loading times and in this article: Reduce payment icons in the footer to the most important payment methods
Product presentation
High-quality product images and videos are an absolute must to attract potential customers and encourage them to buy. Use professional photos and videos that show your product at its best. In this live call, we discussed the topic in detail, including how you can do this yourself at low cost: More sales with good product images.
Offer different views of the product and the different colours and possibly also videos or animations of how the product can be used. Please note that you should NOT use GIF images. What is the alternative? I'll show you in this article: Using animated GIFs on the product page? NO THANKS!
Sales psychology
Use sales psychology techniques and write optimised texts to persuade the customer to buy. This is particularly important for product descriptions. Also optimise your product descriptions by emphasising the advantages of the product and addressing possible problems that the product can solve.
Use marketing models such as AIDA, PAS etc. to do this. Do you want an easy way to create these? Then I can recommend ChatGPT. How does it work? I'll show you in the recording of this live call: How AI tools can help you in everyday business life and with a step-by-step guide with lots of tips & tricks in my ChatGPT e-book.
Good customer reviews can also make your customers' purchasing decisions easier.
Conversion-optimised online shop
An online shop that loads quickly and is user-friendly is very important. It should be easy for your customers to find their way around the site and complete the purchase process quickly and easily.
Use tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to analyse and optimise the loading speed of your site and remove unnecessary apps or images that slow down loading. Optimise all images and have your online shop optimised by a professional.
Beware of fake optimisations on Fiverr & Co. These optimisations only show a better score with the tools mentioned above. Your online shop is still slow. These optimisations violate the Shopify TOS and can lead to your online shop being shut down.
Email marketing
Email marketing is a MUST for every online shop operator. Did you know that newsletters can increase sales by at least 10 % and up to 40 %? Then why aren't you doing it yet?
Use email marketing software like Klaviyo to create newsletter campaigns and send them to a well-maintained email list. Use these campaigns to communicate regularly with your customers and inform them about new products, offers and discounts. You can also send storytelling emails and tell them about your daily business, your success stories, your learnings, etc. This is personal and goes down very well with most customers.
Important: Personalise your emails and set up automated email sequences to increase customer loyalty and your sales.
If you don't yet have the money to hire a professional agency, you can also create email marketing campaigns and texts with ChatGPT. I also explain this step-by-step in my ChatGPT e-book.
Customer service
Good customer service is important to satisfy customers and keep them coming back. Make sure you respond to enquiries quickly and in a friendly manner and offer an easy return and exchange policy. Also use chatbots or a ticket system to organise enquiries and improve customer service. You can see what tools are available here and how you can outsource your customer service for free in this webinar: The customer is king. Why customer satisfaction and support is so important. Recording of the live call
You switch on Meta, TikTok & Co. Ads and are STILL not using an external tracking tool. Then do yourself a favour and switch off the ads! You're just burning money. You MUST use external tracking software to accurately measure customers and adverts.
Since IOS14+, you are otherwise blind and relying on completely wrong numbers and no longer have a correct basis for deciding whether you should keep your ads running or not! Why is that the case? I'll explain in this article: iOS 14.3, goodbye Facebook tracking & Co. Tracking. What happens with the new IOS? and you can find the solution in this article: Missing and incorrect data costs you a lot of money - the solution.
So, before you spend hours looking for the next trend product, make sure that your online shop, your email marketing and your tracking are optimised.
It will save you a lot of money in the long term and increase your sales!
Alex Wve
You have/set the wrong priorities for your online shop!
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