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What do you think about the home decor niche?
New comment May 1
Good afternoon everyone, would any of you be willing to increase my website/land page performance? I am having some sales but the conversion is actually to low. If any of you want to, text me privately so we can discuss the price. This is how the page currently looks like. Thanks
New comment Apr 27
You have/set the wrong priorities for your online shop!
Yes, probably YOU too 🫵 A quick test for you: ✅ Is your online shop conversion-optimised? ✅ Do you use storytelling about yourself in your online shop? ✅ Are your product photos appealing and informative? ✅ Are your product descriptions optimised for sales psychology? ✅ Do you send out regular newsletters and do email marketing? ✅ Do you use an external tracking tool to track your ads and your customers? ✅ Do you offer good and fast customer support? If these points apply to you, then congratulations! You no longer need to read the article 😎 Realtalk: You're prioritising the wrong things in your e-commerce business! Sure, it's understandable that you think finding the perfect product and creating the best ad creatives is the be-all and end-all. Almost every course or coaching programme out there will tell you that. But I'm telling you with over 4 years of experience in this business: That's not true! 😅 The winner product? There is no such thing. There may be products that are easier to sell with less effort than the others if you're a beginner. At least for a shorter time. But not more. I wrote an article about this here: ‘Winning product’ vs. ‘Boring products’. The myth of the winner. There's no point in spending hours, even days, searching for the perfect product or creating and testing the best ad creatives & copy if your online shop is ‘in good German’ sh***. So if your online shop is a mess, you don't have a straight line in your storytelling, your online shop takes ages to load, your texts & product texts are all boring and full of errors. Because you're just wasting money on your ads - and wondering why? No. The problem is usually not your ads. The problem usually lies elsewhere! Unfortunately, this is the case with 90% of all online shops that I see! 🤔 But what are the right priorities then? Here are some of the priorities you should also focus on: Customer trust You need trust for your customer to buy from you! A good way to build trust is through an authentic storytelling strategy. Tell your story and show who you are and what your values are. Also show transparent delivery times and delivery costs directly on the product page and list all important payment methods under the ATC button. How does that work? I'll explain in the article: Inserting payment icons in Shopify, WITHOUT an app. Free & fast for faster loading times and in this article: Reduce payment icons in the footer to the most important payment methods
New comment Apr 25
Winning Strategies? (Landing Page)
❗Killer Value Proposition: Put your offer in a precise and persuasive value proposition. Answer these questions: - What's in it for me? - Why this brand? - What's the benefit? DON'T forget it's all about the customer and his needs. Nobody cares about what do you think & feel. ❗Irresistible Offer: Your offer has to be a no-brainer. People should feel dump saying "no" to it. How To: - Create insane perceived value - Give a guarantee - Make it a no-brainer DISCOUNTS are not an offer. They just decrease the perceived value THINK about it while building the product page. The Keyword here is "THINK". If you just copy & paste, there you have your answer why you are failing
New comment Apr 23
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