App Founders School
Private group
483 members
πŸ‘‹ Join App Founders School to launch your app and get to $10K+/month without years of painful mistakes. Get the framework that I used to grow my app to $100K and the Flutter & Firebase app template I used to generate $350K with my app agency in 2023.
What you'll get inside (FREE):
πŸŽ₯ 6-Week App Launch & Growth Video Course ($980 value)
πŸ› οΈ Flutter & Firebase App Template ($147 value)
πŸ“š Expanding Library of Resources & Tools ($27 value)
πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Like-minded App Founders Community (priceless)
Total Value: $1,154. Now for $0!
πŸ‘‰ Join App Founders School now and go from 0 to $10K+/month with your app.
App Founders School
This group helps app founders launch and get to $10K+/month without years of painful mistakes.
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