Write something
This is question section!
If you have any questions regarding running a business or anything you are curious. ask here and I will try to answer as much as possible!! and Please don't be scared to help each other!! Ask a lot and Answer a lot!! :)
New comment May 10
This is question section!
5 day challenge!! ☺️
Hey guys! Soon I will do 5 day challenge where I teach you guys what to do step by step for 5 days with live zoom calls! And I will help you guys make at least 100$ that week! Who would be interested?? ☺️☺️ Comment down below!
Instagram Audit!!
I hope this was helpful! @Matias Arbon If anybody else want me to take a look at your instagram and give you some opinions! drop your Instagram handle!
New comment Apr 12
Instagram Audit!!
How to make people want your art!
This is for people who has no idea what to do when you start marketing your art! I can't emphasize that enough about the importance of niching down and doing personalized art! so if you still don't know why! watch this!!
How to make people want your art!
I am looking for reviews!
hey guys!!! I am looking for reviews and your wins!! Leave a comment down below! on what you think about the course how it helped you and what result you got from it! I will pick the best comment! and you will send you 20$ for small artist supporting! make it honest plz!
New comment Apr 12
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Monetize Arts Academy💰
Monetize Arts Academy will teach you everything you need to get more Client as an artist or designer!!
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