Acquisition Ascendancy
Private group
8 members
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of agency owners, coaches & consultants.
You'll be able to interact with each other + get access to a private telegram channel.
It’s an A-Z program that has everything you need to scale from 0 to your first $5k-7k from X.
⚫ Niche Ascendancy
⚪Offer Ascendancy
⚫Acquisition Ground theory
⚪Ascendancy systems theory
⚫Forces of irrationality
⚪Psychology Ascendancy
⚫Creating your own CA systems
⚪X growth masterclass
⚫X Writing masterclass
⚪X monetization masterclass
⚫X networking masterclass
⚪DM alchemy system (Outreach)
⚫Self Actualization (Bonus)
⚪War Maps (Bonus 2)
You get access to me 24*7
2x Weekly Group coaching sessions (QnA & Adding new concepts).
All the calls would be recorded & accessible inside the courses section.
Acquisition Ascendancy
Helping you build an audience and make money with high-ticket services.
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