333 Mastermind
After our Dare to Declare Mastermind this morning, I have decided to open up our own 333 Mastermind. Why 333? Check out the attached article for the full story.
Our mastermind would follow Bob Templeton's lead (from the article) where each participant would bring their ideas to the table and we all brainstorm how you can achieve it. Each member gets an allotted amount of time for their idea. The first meeting would establish each participant's goals. The subsequent meetings would then be accountability calls where we do a roundtable and report where we are at with our aligned actions.
Before I delve too deeply in the mechanics of the meetings, we need to decide the best time to run these.
Here's what we know so far:
  • Weekly meetings, same time same day
  • We will test it out for Q4, or shorter depending on the participants goals
  • No more than 5-6 members
Here's what we don't know:
  • What day and time to meet. In a conversation with , we have identified that Thursdays at 12pm could work. The other alternative would be Wednesday morning at 7:30am EST. The latter might not work for Central and West, so we're open to suggestions if you want to join but can't make Thursday 12pm EST.
  • Official start date
  • Who is joining us?
Feel free to leave a comment or message me directly with your time preference. This is still in its infancy so we're figuring it out as we go, so questions and feedback are definitely welcome!
Carole Filion
333 Mastermind
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