Claude 3? Gemini? Sticking to ChatGPT?
I'm really curious who all is using Claude 3 or Gemini more than ChatGPT these days. I know Claude 3 was said to "outperformed" ChatGPT in all the "benchmarks" however I'm still a die hard GPTer but I do wonder if I need to spend more time playing with Claude to see what the fuss is about.
Everytime I've tried I feel like I'm unimpressed by comparison, but maybe for other things it is better? Or for people that haven't customized their ChatGPT with custom instructions? I also don't love that both Claude and Gemini still don't have internet access so I feel like that's a pretty big downside but maybe I'm overthinking it?
And meta is planning to launch Llama 3 next week, so we'll have even more competition in the market!
I'd just love to know what your go-to LLM is and why! 👇
Lauren deVane
Claude 3? Gemini? Sticking to ChatGPT?
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