Monday Made! (1/8)
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great first weekend of the year whether you spent it still trying to ease back into working or if you were putting the peddle to the metal and getting shit done! Either way, I wanna see what you've been up to! What're we all making!?
Also, I'll be speaking live with Piers Cowburn (@oops_caps), one of the co-founders of an incredible new AI tool for multi-disciplinary designer called ModyFi, and James Sommerville himself will be moderating (Founder of KnownUnknown but also the former VP of global design at Coca-Cola and co-founder of The Attik, one of the premier design firms in the UK in the 90's) so come check it out and watch me hopefully not embarrass myself on stage with these genius humans! It's free but you gotta register, here's the link!
Lauren deVane
Monday Made! (1/8)
The Launchpad at BAIS CAMP
The best spot on the internet for designers, creators and creative entrepreneurs to talk all things generative AI. Easy, breezy, botty, baby! 🤖
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