Conduct extensive market research with SearchGPT
SearchGPT is hot off the press and works incredibly well with prompt chains for conducting comprehensive market research. This prompt generates a structured market analysis report, complete with competitor insights, target audience profiling, and strategic recommendations. Prompt Chain [INDUSTRY]=Target industry or market sector [COMPANY_NAME]=Primary company or product being analyzed [RESEARCH_DEPTH]=Level of detail (surface-level, moderate, in-depth) [GEOGRAPHICAL_FOCUS]=Target market region or regions [TIME_FRAME]=Analysis period (e.g., last 3 years, current year) Step 1: Market Landscape Overview~ 1. Map out key players in [INDUSTRY] 2. Identify top 10 competitors to [COMPANY_NAME] 3. Calculate market share distribution 4. Compile recent industry trends and disruptions Output a comprehensive market landscape summary Step 2: Competitor Deep Dive~ 1. Analyze each competitor's: - Business model - Revenue streams - Unique value propositions - Recent strategic moves 2. Create SWOT analysis for top 5 competitors 3. Identify potential competitive gaps Output detailed competitor intelligence report Step 3: Target Audience Segmentation~ 1. Define demographic profiles 2. Map psychographic characteristics 3. Analyze purchasing behaviors 4. Identify unmet customer needs in [GEOGRAPHICAL_FOCUS] Output multi-dimensional audience persona document Step 4: Financial and Performance Analysis~ 1. Gather revenue data for [INDUSTRY] 2. Calculate growth rates 3. Analyze investment trends 4. Project potential market opportunities Output financial performance and trend analysis Step 5: Strategic Recommendations~ 1. Synthesize insights from previous steps 2. Develop strategic recommendations for [COMPANY_NAME] 3. Outline potential market entry or expansion strategies 4. Prioritize recommendations by potential impact Output strategic roadmap with actionable insights Step 6: Research Validation and Refinement~ 1. Cross-reference data sources 2. Check for potential biases