Monday Made 3/4
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Few things goin on! Anthropic released Claude 3, who has played already? Initial thoughts? I know it's surpassing ChatGPT across on benchmarks but the benchmarks aren't necesarrily things I give a shit about lol like I don't care if it's good at high school math or coding...that's not what I'm using it for. So until it can browse the internet, I'll be over here with ChatGPT lol or until someone can convince me otherwise. I'm still not impressed by Gemini either tbh!
ANYWAY! I'm heading to Austin this week for SXSW, if you're gonna be there or are in the Austin area, hit me up! That also means that this week is gonna be pretty jam packed for me so probably not gonna have a live again this week, don't hate me! But I am gonna be sharing a ton to my stories while I'm at SXSW, so make sure to follow along, I've got a ton of sessions I'm super excited about attending!
I'm working on getting the new sales page for BAIS CAMP up this week as well as a waitlist for the Midjourney course!
Also, has a bunch of updates so check those out if you haven't!
Lastly, what've you all been making!? Lets see some of your stuff! I made these ladies this morning in Midjourney and I'm pretty into the vibes they're giving!
Lauren deVane
Monday Made 3/4
The Launchpad at BAIS CAMP
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