Welcome Designer Boss Campers!
If you're new here from Design Camp Summit, hiiiii! So glad you found your way to The Launchpad to connect with more creatives that are interested in using AI as a creative co-pilot! Introduce yourself, tell us where you're from and what you do, drop any other questions you might have, share how you're using AI already, or if you're totally new to AI, what you felt like was most impactful from the presentation of the live Q&A!
I'm AI-serious, using it for everything and anything
I'm AI-literate, I'm starting to play around and figure out what and how to use it
I'm AI-curious, this is my first foray into using generative AI as a creative entrepreneur
34 votes
Lauren deVane
Welcome Designer Boss Campers!
The Launchpad at BAIS CAMP
The best spot on the internet for designers, creators and creative entrepreneurs to talk all things generative AI. Easy, breezy, botty, baby! 🤖
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