Life Story
As I was growing up, I was obsessed with horses. All I did was daydream about horses, learn all I could and create opportunities for me to ride them from the time I was nine, even though I lived in the city with my disabled mother. I cleaned stalls in exchange for riding lessons and walked a mile alone after school every day from the time I was in fourth grade to ride a public transit bus to "The Ranch". Every. Day.
By the time I was in twelve, I was showing horses and taking lessons on the younger, only partially trained ones. That led to more shows and more young horses. Before I knew it, I was starting horses under saddle for whatever they would pay me.
When I found my mother dead on her bed when I was only 13, I already had a couple thousand in the bank and that year none of the foster homes they sent me to worked out because families didn't want a young teen riding horses or city busses after 9 pm. I went to court every Thursday for six weeks and became legally emancipated. If I missed a day at school, I signed my own excuse notes. When I was 15, I trained a $9,000 Arabian horse that sold at a Scottsdale auction for $412,000.
Throughout my life, I have had success when I had tunnel vision and daydreams powering me.
At 51, I have been many things, including pro surfer, farrier, paralegal, and even worked as a waitress at one point. I have had many broken bones and a couple of free helicopter rides.
Currently I own a horseback tour on the Big Island of Hawaii and I have a very high overhead, more than $250 per day including 7 horses, 8 goats, 36 cats, a dog, and 80 chickens. Tourism is currently slow and I am not making it. That is what led me to Skool, hoping to make money somehow.
Since I have lived a rather renegade life thus far, I have yet to acquire social, social media, and supportive friend networks and skillsets. Basically I am clueless. Just being honest. What are your stories? What led you here? How are you doing? Any advice?
Thanks! 馃馃弴馃寠馃尯馃
Jackie Holder
Life Story
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