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Hi there, thanks for being in my community. I am excited about this journey we are embarking on with thie Skool communities and even more excited to see my friends here with me, like you. Let's chat often about everything, anything, or just nothing at all besides whatever's on your mind or heart. I also would love to hear any short stories about your day, your life, your dreams, and your ideas. Please keep in touch often! 🤗
New comment 5d ago
Hey Guys
I'm new here Let's grow this community and teach the high level guys 💪 💪 💪
Jump right in!
When I was an apprentice horseshoer almost three decades ago, Frank Foti, who was possibly the best farrier in the State of Hawaii at the time, said a sentence to me every time I would get star struck while watching the miracles he performed on horse hooves and I would tell him he was my hero. He would stop what he was doing, look me straight in the eyes, and tell me, "Be your own hero!". Eventually it caught on. I started to really excel at my craft and also as a surfer and health-conscious person. I would put on weights and run up hills and go to the gym after working and surfing all day to get even stronger. When I was in the lineup surfing, I was paddling circles around everybody else. This caught the attention of some people, as did my aggressive surfing style, which another hero of mine from the time, a girl named Lisa Wallace who could short board like a from and like no girl could, with air drops and wicked snaps. Soon I was surfing full-time as a surf instructor and then after work I would go surf some more. I did a photo session at Shark Pit for Maui Surfing Magazine with world-champion longboarder Albert Jenks and was taking top- level surfers on "Surfaris" to exotic special surf spots as part of my job. When you are doing something that you love it is easy to quickly become successful and to live to your best potential and to be your own hero. I am so excited right now because I am loving this Skool platform, and I can't wait to see where it leads! I am already having so much fun and making so many new connections! How are you doing?
New comment 5d ago
Life Story
As I was growing up, I was obsessed with horses. All I did was daydream about horses, learn all I could and create opportunities for me to ride them from the time I was nine, even though I lived in the city with my disabled mother. I cleaned stalls in exchange for riding lessons and walked a mile alone after school every day from the time I was in fourth grade to ride a public transit bus to "The Ranch". Every. Day. By the time I was in twelve, I was showing horses and taking lessons on the younger, only partially trained ones. That led to more shows and more young horses. Before I knew it, I was starting horses under saddle for whatever they would pay me. When I found my mother dead on her bed when I was only 13, I already had a couple thousand in the bank and that year none of the foster homes they sent me to worked out because families didn't want a young teen riding horses or city busses after 9 pm. I went to court every Thursday for six weeks and became legally emancipated. If I missed a day at school, I signed my own excuse notes. When I was 15, I trained a $9,000 Arabian horse that sold at a Scottsdale auction for $412,000. Throughout my life, I have had success when I had tunnel vision and daydreams powering me. At 51, I have been many things, including pro surfer, farrier, paralegal, and even worked as a waitress at one point. I have had many broken bones and a couple of free helicopter rides. Currently I own a horseback tour on the Big Island of Hawaii and I have a very high overhead, more than $250 per day including 7 horses, 8 goats, 36 cats, a dog, and 80 chickens. Tourism is currently slow and I am not making it. That is what led me to Skool, hoping to make money somehow. Since I have lived a rather renegade life thus far, I have yet to acquire social, social media, and supportive friend networks and skillsets. Basically I am clueless. Just being honest. What are your stories? What led you here? How are you doing? Any advice? Thanks! 🤠🏇🌊🌺🤗
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Be your own hero
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