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- I"ll be uploading tiktok shorts on the concept of manifestation, and neville goddard's work. - The focus now is to get to 100 members+ - I"ll be adding more content to the current courses available. - Work on additional courses.
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The Foundations of the School
Just a Reminder For myself.
The Foundations of the School
Why are Some People Able to Manifest so Quickly?
Why are Some People Able to Manifest so Quickly? 1. Belief to a Certainty level-the cornerstone of manifestation. The individuals who manifest quickly don’t just hope or wish; they believe with unwavering certainty that their desire is a done deal. They assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled so completely that their subconscious accepts it as reality. People who believe with certainty don’t have hope, they believe with certainty it will happen. 1. Detachment-When you’re not anxiously waiting for a text or a call, you’re in a state of detachment. You trust the Creator so implicitly that you don’t need constant reassurance. This state of calm expectation is a magnet for manifestation. The present moment is the only reality. Those who manifest quickly don’t dwell on past interactions or future worries. They live as if their current moment is the only moment-and in this moment. This focus pulls their desire into the present, often with startling speed. It’s easy to get distracted by everyday life or by the absence of what we want. But rapid manifestors maintain a laser-sharp focus on their desire. They direct all their energy towards the assumption of their wish fulfilled, not allowing external circumstances to sway them. They don’t let negative thoughts or doubts cloud their minds. Remember, you control your thoughts. Guide them gently towards positivity and watch the impact it has on your manifestation. Sometimes, it’s a simply a matter of divine timing. 1. Self Concept: If you see yourself as someone who is easily loved and deserving of attention, you”ll manifest accordingly. Neville taught that you don’t attract what you want; you attract what you believe you are. So, believe that you’re someone who naturally experiences love and affection, and see how quickly your world shifts to reflect that belief. 1. Gratitude is like a magnet that draws experiences toward you. When you’re grateful for the love in your life-even if it’s not from your SP just yet-you’re creating a fertile ground for more love to come in. 
New comment Dec '23
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The Law of Assumption
Create your own reality by bending it to YOUR WILL ✅. We cover Neville Goddard's works, Reality Transurfing, and more.Shift to a new world.
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