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Hello everyone!
I'll go first with the introductions. I'm Chris. I've been teaching about beer since 2014, which is insane, but not long ago (to me) I just wanted to pass the Beer Server test. When I prepped for the Beer Server and Certified Cicerone exams, I struggled to figure out where to start, what to study, and what to expect on the exams. The stress and anxiety was real. I ended up passing the CBS and CC and even went on to be one of the first people to pass the Advanced Cicerone exam! Along the way, I learned A LOT about how to crush the exams in the fastest and easiest way possible. I know *exactly* what you need to study and what's on the tests. I present all that info in my courses, they cover ALL the material at the proper depth and provide loads of exam tips. I launched Beer Scholar in 2014 and the majority of the ~2,400 Certified Cicerones in the world have used my study material! It's crazy but true. Less than 40% of people pass the CC exam, but the pass rate for my students is 100% – I've never had someone go through my course and then fail their exam. I'm also a National BJCP beer judge, I've judged the Great American Beer Fest in Denver twice, I was flown to Sydney to participate in Sydney Beer Week, I founded the San Francisco Homebrewers Guild, and I owned a bar in SF called Old Devil Moon from 2016 to 2022. It's been a wild and beer soaked ride! I'm stoked that you're here with me in this community. I love beer and I love teaching about it. Ask me anything! Cheers y'all!
Hello everyone!
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Beer Scholar
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