Beginners Mind
Beginners Mind welcomes you to a space of collective support through conversations about what connects us. We gain fresh perspectives through practices that enhance our focus and ability to be present and notice—not knowing, Bearing Witness and Action. Our inspiration and teaching come from many sources. One that must be mentioned is the book by Suzuki Roshi, "Beginners Mind." he emphasizes approaching life with a mindset of openness, curiosity, and humility. His main point, as well as ours, revolves around the importance of letting go of preconceptions, cultivating a sense of wonder and embracing a sense of curiosity and learning in all aspects of our lives. Live with intention and attention. Notice your mind's "stuff".We set the conditions for our community to empower themself to be able to find happiness, love, and freedom and develop the perspective to live with ease of mind while at the same time continuing to enjoy life in all its manifestations and laugh all the way "HOME.".
Beginners Mind
Beginners Mind welcomes you to a space of collective support through conversations about what connects us all.
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